Twenty One Sri Lankan AIDS Patients have died during the first nine months(January To September) of this year according to the latest report issued by National STD(Sexually Transmitted Diseases)/AIDS Control Campaign .
Nine of these AIDS Death have been reported during January to March this year,Three Deaths in April To June and Nine Deaths have been reported during July To September the report has stated.
The Male to Female Ratio of infecting the HIV/AIDS Virus is 1.7:1.According to the Director of National STD/AIDS Control Programme Dr.Sisira Liyanage more and more HIV/AIDS Positives have been reported throughout the Island due to the increased number of HIV Tests .
Nine of these AIDS Death have been reported during January to March this year,Three Deaths in April To June and Nine Deaths have been reported during July To September the report has stated.
The Male to Female Ratio of infecting the HIV/AIDS Virus is 1.7:1.According to the Director of National STD/AIDS Control Programme Dr.Sisira Liyanage more and more HIV/AIDS Positives have been reported throughout the Island due to the increased number of HIV Tests .