The former president Mahinda Rajapakshe has requested the Sri Lankan Government to refuse the United Nations Human Rights Council Report against alleged war crimes said to be occurred in Sri Lanka which issued last week as the findings in that report are baseless and biased.
In a statement released by the former president it has stated as the inquiry on alleged war crimes against Sri Lanka which said to be occurred during the last phase of war against LTTE Militants has been carried out by Human Rights Council itself instead of an Independent Body the findings are biased and baseless .
"During my government we didn't support the inquiry carried out by UN Human Rights Council on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka as it has done by violating the procedures of Human Rights Council "Former President has said.
In a statement released by the former president it has stated as the inquiry on alleged war crimes against Sri Lanka which said to be occurred during the last phase of war against LTTE Militants has been carried out by Human Rights Council itself instead of an Independent Body the findings are biased and baseless .
"During my government we didn't support the inquiry carried out by UN Human Rights Council on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka as it has done by violating the procedures of Human Rights Council "Former President has said.