Thursday, January 12, 2023

Supreme Court Ordered Former President Maithripala Sirisena and Four Others To Pay Compensations For Easter Sunday Attck Victims

The Supreme Court had yesterday (13) ordered  the Government and the five respondents named in the Fundamental Petitions filed against failing to prevent the Easter sunday bomb attacks in 2019 .To pay massive compensations for the victims of the attacks .First Sirisena cabinet - Wikipedia

Accordingly the Government was ordered  to pay Rs. one million as compensation per person for those victims who were killed  at the Easter Sunday attacks .Other respondents named by the Petitions Former President Maithripala Sirisena was asked to pay a compensation of  Rs.100 million  ,Former Police Chief Pujith Jayasundare and Former State Intelligence Services Chief Nilantha Jayawardane were asked to pay a compensation of  Rs.75 million  each  ,Former National Intelligence Services Chief Sisira Mendis was asked to pay a Compensation of Rs.10 million and the Former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando was asked    to pay a compensation of  Rs.50 million .
In addition to the million compensation government needs to pay for a victim of the easter sunday attacks Supreme court ordered to pay Rs.500,000 each for a injured person in the attack . 
 Court has also ordered to establish a  Victim Fund at the office for reparation  which must formulate a scheme to award the sums ordered as compensation in fair and equitable manner to the victims and families .

The Supreme Court on Thursday (12) ruled that the respondents named in the Fundamental Rights petitions for failing to prevent the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks, despite having credible information of an imment attack, had violated the Fundamental Rights of the petitioners.

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