Sunday, October 30, 2022
සැම අයෙකුටම ආදරය කළ හැකි නමුදු සබඳතාවයකට නියම අරුතක් දෙන අයුරින් ආදරය කිරීමට සැමටම නොහැකිය (උපුටා ගැනිණි )
Bakery Owners To Reduce Prices Of Bread And Bakery Products
Bakery owners are considering to reduce the prices of Bread and other Bakery products due to the reduction of Wheat flour prices by Wholesale traders the Bakery owners Association has stated ,
The Colombo Fort Wholesale traders have reduced the price of a Kilo Gramme of Wheat flour from Rs.320 to Rs.296 recently ,However according to the Bakery Owners Association Bakeries still didn't receive Wheat flour for the reduced prices .
Price Of Gas To Be Reduced On 05th Of October
The Price Of Litro LP Gas is scheduled to be reduced by a reasonable price with effect from 05th of November .
This Price revision will be done as a result of the price reduction of Gas in the world market .There's no shortage of Gas in the local market at present the Chairman of the Litro Gas Company has stated .
However many Gas Agents in Colombo and suburbs had stated that the LP Gas are out of stoick at the ea
More Than One Million Pfizer Amt Corona Vaccines Are Due To Expire Tomorrow(31)
More than one million Pfizer Anti Corona Vaccines imported to Sri Lanka during Corona Pandemic are due to be expired by tomorrow (31) according to the Health Ministry officials ,
As a result these Vaccines are due to withdraw from Corona vaccine campaign they have stated .
Saturday, October 29, 2022
A Massive Protest To Be Held In Colombo Next Wednesday
Trade Unions and Civil Organizations are due to launch a massive protest campaign on coming Wednesday (02) over government's police suppression against trade unions and students ,
A large number of persons including trade unionists and Civil activists are scheduled to be participated the protest campaign
Wholesale Traders Reduced The Wheat Flour Price To Rs.250
The wholesale traders in Colombo Fort had reduced the Price of a Kilo Gramme of Wheat Flour to Rs.250 according to the Essential goods importers Association .
After receiving the license to import Wheat flour through open accounts the Wheat flour importers are expecting to import large stocks of Wheat flour to the country the Association has stated .
බොහෝ දෙනාට තමන් විසින් රැකගත යුතු තමන්ගේ අය ගැන තැකීමක් නොමැත්තේ ඔවුන් ගැන සොයා බැලීමක් හෝ ඔවුන් පැමිණෙන තෙක් නොකා බලා සිටීමේ හෝ වද වීමේ පුරුද්දක් නැත්තේ සැබෑ ආදරයක වටිනාකම නොදන්නා නිසාය ,එහෙත් එම සැම දෙයක්ම අකුරටම ඉටු කරන ආදරයකට අකුල් හෙලීමටනම් බොහෝ දෙනා දෙවරක් නොසිතනු ඇත ,(උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
Friday, October 28, 2022
Ministry Of Trade Has Allowed Private Importers To Import Wheat Flour
The Ministry of Trade,Commerce and Food has decided to give permission to private importers to import Wheat flour through Open accounts with effect from yesterday (28) until 31st of December .
This was announced during a meeting held between Minister of Trade and Commerce Nalin Fernando and the representatives of the Essential food Commodities Importers and Traders Association at the Ministry yesterday (28). This meeting was held to discuss on providing essential commodities to the General public during upcoming festive season without a shortage ,
The need to reduce the prices of Bread and Bakery products during the upcoming festive season had been also discussed at this meeting .
Agriculture Ministry To Sell 50 KG Bsg Of Urea To SL Farmers, For Rs.10,000
The Ministry of Agriculture had yesterday(28) received 13, 000 tones of Urea fertilizer provided under the Concessionary Loan scheme of US dollars 110 million provided by the World Bank .
Ministey has decided to provide 50 kilo gramme bag of Urea received under the World bank project to the farners for Rs.10,000 each it has been announced
Sri lankan paddy farmers need nearly 150,000 tones of Urea fertilizer to use in their paddy fields for the Maha season it has been revealed.
Weekend Power Cuts To Be Reduced To One Hour
The Public Utilities Commission (PUS) had yesterday (28) given permission to implement a one hour long power cut during the weekend and two hour long power cut on next Monday (31) in the 20 zones of the island A to W .
Accordingly the one hour power cut during the weekend will be implemented during 5.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m and the two hour long power cut scheduled for next Monday will be implemented one hour during the day time and one hour in the night .
Former MP /Actor Ranjan Ramanayke Was Prevented Travelling Abroad
Due to the foreign travel ban imposed on him over two cases pending in Court ,Former MP and Actor Ranjan Ramanayke was turned away by the Immigration and Emigration officials at the Katunayake ,Bandaranaike International Airport when he arrived at the Airport to fly to Unites states for a concert last night (27).
The Actor turned politician Ramanayake was due to flying to Qatar last night from the Qatar Airways flight and from there to United states .Immigration and Emigration officials had prevented him from traveling oversees due to the foreign travel ban it has been reported.
A Person Was Killed And His Son Was Hospitalized Due To A Motorcycle-Train Collision
A Person was killed and his 08 year old son had been critically injured and hospitalized after the Motorcycle they were traveling in colliding with a Train traveling to Beliatta area (Southern Province) at the Railway crossing in Dharmarama ,Uyanwatte ,Matara District last morning (27).
The 50 year old deceased has died in the spot and his 08 year old son had been transferred from Matara Hospital to Karapitiya Teaching Hospital for further treatment ,The deceased was a resident of Weragampita in Matrara district ,
A 12 Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In 07 Colombo Divisions
Due to the essential renovation work of the Colombo Sewage management programme water supply to seven divisions in the Colombo District will be halted for 12 hours from 10 p.m tonight (28) until 10 a.m tomorrow morning (29) according to the National Water supplies and drainage board.
Accordingly the 12 hour water cut will be implemented in Colombo -02,03,04,05,07,08 and 10 divisions the Board has announced .
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Stealing Of Motorcycles And Three Whealers are On The Increase
Stealing of Motor cycles and Three w healers in the country is on the increase at present according to the Police media spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police(SSP), Nihal Thalduwa.
Accordingly 1406 Vehicles including Motorcycles ,Three whealers ,Buses ,Lorries and Motor cars had stolen during the period this january up to now he has stressed .
Out of these vehicles which were stolen 1016 were Motorcycles and 311 were Three Wheeler s it has been revealed
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
අවංක ආදරයකට ,මිත්රත්වයකට ,මාතෘත්වයකට සැබෑ අර්ථකථනයක් දීමට සැමටම නොහැකිය (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
Electricity Bills To Be Increased Due To The Social Security Tax
Electricity Bill is scheduled to be increased again due to the imposing of Social Security Contribution Tax on Electricity with effect from 01st of October according to the Public Utilities Commission .
The amount Electricity bill will be increased depends on the number of Units consumed by consumers the Commission had stated .
Island Wide Power Cuts To Be Reduced By Twenty Minutes
The duration of Island wide power cuts scheduled to be implemented on tomorrow (27) and the day after (I28) have been reduced by 20 minutes to two hours according to the Public Utilities Commission .
Accordingly one hour power cut during the day time and another one hour power cut during night will be implemented in 20 zones throughout the country from "A" to "W".
China Donated 500 Metric Tones Of Rice To SSri Lanka
A Chinese ship carrying 500 Metric Tones of Rice donated to Sri Lanka had arrived in Colombo Harbor today (26) according to the Chinese Embassy in Colombo .
The stock of Rice has been donated for the children suffering from Nutrition Deficiencies according to the Embassy .Another ship carrying a donation of 500 Metric tones of rice is scheduled to be arrived in the country next week it has been revealed .
China has so far donated 6000 Metric Tones of Rice to Sri Lanka according to reports ,
පෙන්වන ව්යාජ සතුටට වඩා අව්යාජ සතුටක්ද ,වංක සිනහවකට වඩා අවංක සිනහවක්ද ,මුනිච්චාවට පුදන දියාරු ආදරයකට වඩා අවංකව ආත්මයට දැනෙන පරිදි පුදන ආදරයකටද අනෙකා වෙනුවෙන් බලා සිටීමට තරම් ධෛර්යයක් ඇති ආදරයකටද සම කළ හැකි කිසිවක් මෙලොව නොපවතී (උපුටා ගැනීමකි ) |
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Three Wheeler Drivers Are Not In A Position To Reduce Fares
Although the fuel quota issued for the Three wheeler drivers are going to be doubled from next month ,Three wheeler drivers are not in a position to reduce the Three wheel fare at present according to the All island Three wheeler drivers Association .
Three wheeler drivers have been running at a loss even they start the meter from Rs.100 due to the higher prices of fuel The Association has stated.There are some Three wheelers starting the meter from Rs.150 and there should be a mechanisn to regulate those who are charging higher fares the Association had stressed.
Thalawakale -Pudaluoya Road Blocked Due To A Soil Mound Collapse
The Thalawakale-Pudaluoya main road (Central hills) was completely blocked due to a huge soil mound collapsed in to the road last evening(25).
The huge soil mound had collapsed in to the main road as a result of the heavy showers prevailing in the area since few days .
Poice have advised the motorists to use an alternative routes to teavel.
Thirty Passangers Were Injured DueTo A Bus Collision
Thirty passangers were injured and hospitalized after two passanger buses colliding with each other at Mawanella area on Colombo -Kandy main road today(25).
Accordingly a Sri lanka Transport Board (SLTB) Bus travelling from Mawanella to Kegalle had collided with A private bus travelling from Kegalle to Nuwara eliya .
Monday, October 24, 2022
අනෙකාගේ හදවතට පමණක් නොව ආත්මයට දැනෙන ලෙස ආදරයක් පිදිය හැක්කේ සැබෑ ආදරණීයයෙකුට පමණි (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
Government To Increase The Anuual Taxes Of Casinos And Betting Centers
Government is planning to revise the Casino and Betting center Act in view of increasing t he taxes imposed on Casinos and Betting centers according to the State Minister Of Finance Ranjith Siyamabalapitiya .
Government has increased the Rs.200 million annual tax imposed on Casinos to Rs.500 million with effect from 01st of August this year Minister has stated .Besides this Government is planning to introduce a high registration fee for all the Casinos functioning in the country and to charge US Dollars 200 as a entree fee from Sri Lankans it has been announced ,
Meanwhile Government has increased the annual tax imposed on Betting centers from Rs.600,000 to Rs.1 million
Litro Gas Company To Reduce LP Gas Prices
Litro Gas Company has derided to reduce the prices of it's LP Gas Cylinders from a reasonable amount with effect from 05th of November the Company has announced .
The price revision will be implemented at the date (05th ) fixed for monthly gas price revision under the Gas price mechanism the company has stressed l
President Given Approval To Double The Fuel Quota Of Three Wheelers
President Ranil Wikramsinghe has given approval to double the 5 liter Fuel quota issued to the Three Wheeler s undehe QR Code system with effect from 06th of November .
The doubled Fuel quota will be firstly issued to the Three wheeler drivers in Western province and registering of the Three wheeler drivers in the province will begin on 01st of November it has been stated ,The doubled fuel quota under the QR Code system will be issued to the Three wheeler drivers in other provinces from step by step according to the authorities ,
Sunday, October 23, 2022
HIV/AIDS Is Spreading Rapidly Among 18-30 Age Group
HIV/AIDS is spreading rapidly among the Sri Lankan youth belongs to the 18-30 year age group due to the unprotected sex according to the Director Of National STD/Aids Control Programme Dr,Rasanjali Hettiarachchi .
Accordingly HIV/Aids is spreading among the youth belongs to the 18-30 agar category mainly due to the unprotected sexual activities related to the SPA's and Online activities Dr.Hettiarachchi has stated ,
බොහෝ දෙනා තම සබඳතාවන් හුදෙක් ප්රදර්ශන භාණ්ඩයක් පමණක් කර ගනිද්දී සිය සබඳතාවයට ලබා දිය හැකි උපරිම අර්ථ කථනය ලබා දෙනුයේ අතළොස්සක් පමණකි (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
President Has Granted President's Pardon To 03 LTTE Suspects
President Ranil Wikramasinghe has granted a special president's pardon to 03 LTTE Suspects who were found guilty over involvement in LTTE activities and imprisoned as a result according to the Additional Prisons Commissioner General Chandana Ekanayake .
Accordingly the 03 LTTE Suspects who are at Magazine Prison in Welikada had been released with effect from 21st of October .
Sri Lanka Army Arrested Seven Persons Over Photographing Victora Dam
Sri Lanka Army have today (23) arrested seven persons who have photographed the Victoria Dam and the high security zone belonging to the dam through a drone without getting permission from the authorities .
The seven suspects who are residents of Dehiwala and Weligama areas had photographed the high security zone belonging to the Victoria dam and the dam whilst on a picnic it has been revealed . Army officers had taken into custody the Drone and the Camera used to photographed and videoed the area as well as the Van tourists used to visit the area .Army officers had handed over the suspects to Theldeniya Police for further investigations .
NBRO Issued Landslide Warnings For Five Distrcits
National Business Research Organization (NBRO) has today (23) issued land slide warnings to five districts due to the heavy showers currently prevailing in the country .
Accordingly land slide warnings had been issued to Galle,Kalutara ,Kegalle ,Nuwara-Eliya and Ratnapura districts .Those who are living in mountainous areas and the areas identified as landslide threat areas in these five district6s should be keep in vigilant on the situation NBRO has stressed ,
සැබෑ ආදරණීයයෙකු තම මව /පියා ලබා දුන් අව්යාජ වූ දැඩි ස්නේහය /ආදරය හා රැකවරණය තවත් අයෙකුට ලබා දීමට දෙවරක් නොසිතනු ඇත (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
A Person Died Due To A Wall Collapse
A 55 year old resident of Grandpass area in Colombo District had died due to a wall of a house collapsed on him last night (22) it has been reported ,
The critically injured person had died upon admission to Colombo National Hospital it has been reported .The incident occurred when he was at the nearby house in Saint Joseph street in Grandpass area to take care of an elderly person .
Price Of Chicken Had Been Reduced By Rs.250
The Price of Chicken in the local market had been reduced by Rs.250 according to the All Ceylon Poultry Farmers Association .
Accordingly the new price of a Kilo Gramme of Chicken will be Rs.1200 .
Navy And The Police Arrested 45 Jaffna Residents Attempted To Migrate To Australia
Sri Lanka Navy along with Habaraduwa (Southern Province) Police have arrested 45 locals believed to be illegally attempted to migrate Australia whilst staying at Unawatuna Hotel in Galle District this morning (23).
All the arrestees are residents of Jaffaa(northern province) and three are children it has been revealed ,The group of locals who are from northern province reported as staying in various places in the island during the last month in aim of migrating to Australia .The suspects had arrived in Unawatuna Hotel by a bus from Vavuniya it has been reported ,
They are due to be produced before the Galle Magistrate Court today (23).
Friday, October 21, 2022
පිටතින් ආදරය බව පෙන්වා අන්යයන්ව කපා හරින ඔවුනට හොඳ ජීවිතයක් ලැබීම අවහිර කරන අත්මාර්ථකාමීන් බහුතරය අතරේ අනෙකාගේ යහපත පතන ඒ වෙනුවෙන් කැපවන ආදරණීයයන් කැපී පෙනේ (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
Presdeient To Present The Annual Budget Proposals On 08th Of November
President Ranil Wwikramsinghe is scheduled to be presented the Annula Budget Proposals for the next year to the Parliament as the finance minister on 08th of November it has been announced,
The Budget debate will be held from 09th of November to 10th of December according to the Government sources.The date for the Annual Budget has been fixed during a meeting of the Parliamentary Affairs Select Committee held today (21) at the Parliament ,.
Wholesale Price Of Dhal And Sugar Had Been Decreased In Pettah Market
The Wholesale traders in Pettah Market (Colombo District ) had reduced the prices of a Kilo Gramme of Mysore Dhaland White Sugar by Rs.25 and Rs.15 respectively with effect from today (21) according to Essential commodities importers Association .
According to the new Price reduction a Kilo Gramme of Mysore Dhal can be purchased for Rs.375 and a Kilo Gramme of White Sugar for Rs.235 the Association has stressed.
22Nd Amendment To The Constitution Had
The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution presented to the Parliament by
the government which proposed establishing Independent Commissions and
banning Dual citizens to hold any positions in the government and enter
parliament ,has been passed with a majority of 178 votes today (21) .
During the vote 178 MP's had voted in favor of the Amendment and the MP Attached to the governing Sri Lanka Progressive Party Sarath Weerasekare had voted against it ,26 MP 's including former President and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakshe and leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) R,Sampanthan were absent during the vote .
parties including the main opposition Samagijanabalawegaya(SJB) Party ,
leftist National Peoples League and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) had
voted in favor of the amendment ,
The debate on the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was held yesterday (20) and today (21) ,Under the amendment, the President will be able to dissolve the Parliament after it completes a term of two and half years .
Thursday, October 20, 2022
අවංක ආකර්ෂණීය ආදරයක් යනු දුර්ලභ රැකගත යුතු අව්යාජ වූ හැඟීමකි .එය කිසි දිනක ප්රසිද්ධියේ ප්රදර්ශනයට පමණක් සීමා වුවක් නොවේ (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )
Sri Lankan Farmer Has Cultivated Green Apples In A Hot Climate Area
A Farmer in Galgamuwa area in Thambuttegama (Anuradhapura District ) had cultivated Green apples in a two acre land and received a good harvest in this season according to the farmer M.G ;Lakshman Kumara .
Farmer Lakshman Kumara had cultivated Green apple seeds imported from a foreign country after experimenting on it it has been revealed .The Green apple seeds he have used can be cultivated in any area in Sri lanka it has been revealed .He had presented the first harvest of Green apples plucked from his cultivation to President Ranil wikramasinmghe in President's Office at Colombo today (20).
Price Of Wheat Flour Decreased Further
The wholesale price of a Kilo Gramme of Wheat flour has been decreased by Rs.25 from Rs.290 to Rs.265 according to the Essential commodities importers association .
However as the two major Wheat flour import companies Prima and Serandib have not decrease the price of Wheat flour Bakery owners had refused to decrease the price of Bread and bakery products .Essential Commodities importers association had earlier decreased the Price of Wheat flour by Rs.85 .
Eight Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In 08 Colombo Divisions
Water supply to 08 divisions of Colombo district will be halted for 14 hours from 10 p.m this Saturday (22) until 12 noon on Sunday (23) due to an essential repair work of a pipeline according to the National Water Supplies and Drainage Board .
Accordingly the water supply to Colombo 02.03,04,05 ,07,08 ,09 and 10 will be halted at the given period of time the Board has stated ,
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Water Board Increased The Price Of New Tap Water Connection
National water supplies and drainage board has increased the charges fixed for a new Tap water connection by 70 percent with effect from today (18).
According to the new price increase the charge for the new water connection need to pay Rs.16,000 has been increased by Rs.11,000 to Rs.27,000 and the charge for the water connection need to pay Rs.30,000 has been increased by Rs,21 ,000 to Rs,51,000 the Board has stresse.
The Commonwealth Business Forum has inaugurated today (12) by president Mahinda Rajapaksha at Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo with the par...
A Motor Bicycle Rider was critically Injured and Hospitalized due to another underworld type shooting incident occurred at Delgaha Junction...