Sunday, July 3, 2022

LIOC Had Distributed Fuel To It's Stations As Fuel In State Owned Petroleum Corporation Has Dried Up

 As state owned Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (Ceypetco) fuel stations had stopped issuing Fuel to consumers except essential services due to the sever fuel shortage,  Lanka Indian Oil company(LIOC)  had taken steps to distribute Fuel to Fuel stations belongs to the Company through the Fuel Bowsers dispatched from it's Trincomalee Oil terminal until last Saturday night (02) it has been reported .

Fuel Bowsers belongs to Ceypetco had also been used for this Fuel distribution process LIOC had announced .LIOC had taken steps to issue fuel on limited basis since last week after Ceypetco had announced they will only issue fuel for essential services due to the shortage of fuel .However essential services too didn't receive fuel from Ceypetco owned fuel stations last Friday as announced by Ceypetco it has been reported .

Large queues can be  seen in front of LIOC Fuel stations these days  to get fuel .

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