Wednesday, April 21, 2021

New Year Corona Cluster Is On The Making -516 Corona positives Had Been Reported Today (21)

 Another 516 Corona positives had been reported in the country today (21)Increasing the total numbet of Corona Positives reported so far to 98,050 according to National Covid -19 Prevention Center .

At the moment 3752 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals and quarantine centers .

Authorities had openly relaxed the Anti Corona restrictions during the Sinhala /Hindu New year  season and allowed people to move freely for  shopping and leisure trips afterwards .Even they have  reduced  the number of "PCR "tests conducted  daily to 4000-5000 .

Now the Health Authorities suddenly woke up.and requested the public to adhere to Anti Corona health guidelines to avoid the 03rd Corona wave which is on the way already .

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