Friday, October 2, 2020

Sri Lankans Spent Rs.99 Million A Day To Purchase Liquor And Tobacco -NATA Chairman

Sri Lankans had unnecessarily  spent around Rs.99 million a day  to purchase Liquor and Cigarettes according to the chairman of National Tobacco And Alocohol Authority  Dr. Samadhi Rajapakshe.

Accordingly Sri Lankans had spent around Rs.58 mullion a day to purchase Alcohol and around Rs.41  million to purchase Cigarettes Dr.Rajapakshe  has stressed.

Time has come to impose strict rules to ban liquor and tobacco consumption. in the country he has stated.

Meanwhile 22 percent of Sri Lankan females are being exposed to passive smoking and 11 percent of them  faced this situation at their workplaces  Dr.Rajapakshe has stated . 

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