Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Public Health Inspectors To Suspend Their Trade Union Action Tomorrow (29)Morning Following Talks Held With P.M

public health inspectors  (P
HI) who had been withdrawn from Corona Control activities and Infectious Diseases control activities since 17 th of July and 19th of July respectively over not providing them  legal powers to control Corona outbreaks in the country ,have decided to suspend their trade union action at 7.30 a.m tomorrow (29) according to the Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors   Union .

The ongoing trade union action of Public Health Inspectors is scheduled to be suspended tomorrow morning  following the agreement reached during  talks held with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakshe at Temple Trees this morning  (28).

At the meeting an agreement has been reached between Public Health Inspectors and Officials to provide legal powers to Health inspectors under the Quarantine act to take legal action during an epidemic situation to be carried out under the supervision of MOH of the area it has been revealed. If there's a confusion over a legal action between Public health inspectors and MOH  it should be carried out under the approval of Director General Of Health Services.

The executive committee of the Public Health Inspectors Union convened this evening  after the talks held with Prime Minister   has decided to suspend the trade union action  tomorrow morning and resumed their work with immediate effect .

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