Thursday, April 2, 2020

Cremation Of The Third Corona Virus Victim Has Done In Kotikawatta

The cremation of the third Corona
Virus Victim who has died last night (01)whilst transferring to IDH Hospital Angoda from Sri Jayawardanapura Teaching Hospital ,at udumulla crematorium in Kotikawatta -Mulleriyawa this noon (02).

The cremation of the victim has done according to International Quarantine rules  it had been revealed. A group of protesters had opposed the creamtion of tje victim at the cremarorium.

Meanwhile around 400 persons who had closely contacted the victim at his flat in Arnold ratnayake road in Maradana  had  sent to Punani Quarantine center this evening for a 14 day quarantine. The victim was believed to be infected with the virus from his nephew who came to sri.lanka a week ago after visiting abroad .

The victim had taken medicine for his illness from Colombo National Hospital ten days ago and then from.a dispensary it has been revealed .His nephew had visited the Royal -Saint Thomas annual Cricket match according to reports. 

The way  international quarantine law came in to force regarding a  corona virus Death is given below . 

AUTOPSY PRACTICE AND DISPOSAL OF DEADBODY COVID-19 related deaths could be categorized arbitrarily into 4 groups: Category I Death following confirmed Corona Viral Infection (COVID-19) • 

Method of disposal - An inquest is not required. - Minimum handling. - Viewing of the body only by close relative/s is allowed in a pre-designated area in hospital. - No embalming/No autopsy (medico-legal or pathological). The body cannot be taken home. - Place the body in a body bag and seal. - Body should not be viewed after sealing. - Funeral undertaker should place sealed body bag in a coffin for transportation (coffin should be preferably sealed) - The body should be cremated within 24 hours (preferably within 12 hours). In case of death occurring in the ward /ICU /ETU:  Only use designated body bags or a suitable alternative.  The dead body should be handled by the attending staff and put in the body bag and kept in a pre-designated place.  If the death occurred in ICU, the body should be removed from the machines and placed in a pre-designated area. Supervision of disposal should be done by MOH/ PHI .

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