Saturday, April 4, 2020

273 Corona Virus Suspected Cases Are Being Treated At 28 Government Hospitals

Around 273 corona virus suspected cases are being currently treated at 28 Government Hospitals according to the Latest situation report issued by the Epidemeology Unit.

Majority of these suspected cases which is 68 are being treated at Homagama Base Hospital and 21 patients are being treated at Welikanda Base Hospital .

Out of these 273 suspected cases 272 are Sri Lankans and there is a  one  foreigner.

Meamwhile 136 corona virus positives are being currently treated at 03 government Hospitals including Infectious Diseasss Hospital in Angoda,Welikanda Base Hospital and in Eastern Colombo Base Hospital in Mulleriyawa.

Majority of the Corona Virus positives which is 38 patients have been reported from Colombo District and almost all of them wete infected with the virus due to a relative or a family member returned from overseas it has been reported. 

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