Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Former Director Of The CID SSP Shani Abeysekare Interdicted

The former Director of the Criminal
Investigations Department (CID)Senior Supirintendent of Police (SSP)Shani Abeysekare who had been eaier transferred to Southern Province had been interdicted yeaterday (07)by the Acting Inspector General Of Police (IGP)Chandana Wikramaratne over a recorded telephone conversation between SSP Abeysekare  and Former deputy minister MP Ranjan Ramanayake regarding the assasination of former MP Bharatha Lakshman Premachandre ,Police headquarters had announced .

The Recorded statememt which is a Court item has been leaked to the Media by someone before making a complaint against it to the Police the Police headquaeters had stated.

SSP Shani Abeysekare known as local Sherlock Holmes  had been demoted and transferred as the Personal Assistant to the Deputy Inspector General of Police in Southern province soon after the Presidential Election .

However he had filed a fundememtal rights petition at Supreme Court challanging  his Transfer .

Since yesterday SSP Abeysekare had been iterdicted and Transferred to the Police Headquarters in Colombo due to the pending inquiry regarding the released Telephone conversations berween him and MP Ramanayake Police have  stated.

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