Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Landslide Risk At Ella-Wellawaya Main Road-Motorists Are Advised To Be On Alert

Authorities have warned the Motorists and commuters to be on alert as there's a risk of landslides and sinking ground near the 16 th post of the
 Ella-Wellawaya main road at present due to the heavy showers prevailimg in the area  .

From Kumbalwela to karandagolla in Ella area there are huge soil mounds,Rocks and water nearing to fall to the Ella -Wellawaya road and from Kumbalwela Junction to Wellawaya and Bandarawela there are landslide risks Authorities have stated

Although authorities have removed the soil mounds and rocks fallen to the road by using backo mechines there is a risk of falling them.again it has been revealed .Due to this situation police have advised the motorists to be on alert when travelling on the road .

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