Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ballot Paper To Be 2.2 Feet High As 35 Cintestents Contesting For The Presidential Election

The size  of the  Ballot paper scheduled
to be  used for the forthcoming Presidential Election is 24 inches more in height than the previous ones according to the National Election Commission .

Accordingly the size  of the new Ballot paper scheduled to print is 2.2 feet in height .as there are 35 Candidates contesting in the election compared  to the  few contestents contested in  previous elections .The previous ballot paper is around 2 inches high it has been revealed .

The module Ballot paper has been printed by the Government printer  and hamded over to the President of the National Election Commission Mahinda Deshapriya it has been revealed.

Due to the number of contestents in this years Presidential Election the number of representatives allowed to  be there in a polliting station has been increased to 70 and the number of representatives allowed to be  there in a counting center had been increased to 170 .
Narional Elections Commission is due to either prepare  Ballot boxes again or to import new plastic ballot boxes for the presidential Election it has been stated .

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