Friday, October 18, 2019

A Female Has Died And Two Others Drowned After A Canoe They Were Travelling In Nilwala River Toppled Over

A 40 year old female has died after
drowning  and two others have drowned and rescued  after the canoe   they were travelling in Nilvala River had toppled over yesrerday (18).

The two drowned persons had been rescued  by the residents of the area it has been reported  .Two motorcycles transporting in the craft had fallen to  the water and dissapeared due to the incident .

The canoe travelling from Hungagoda to thudawa villages has been used by the villagers of Hungagoda village  to reach Matara Town in short time as there's no bridge for them to cross Nilwala River .

The incident occurred as the operator of the craft was absent yesterday and the villagers who were in the craft attempting to operate it as a result.

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