Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hulftsdorf Chief Magistrate BANS Two Buddhist Monks From Holding Protests In Court Premises

Chief Magistrate Court at Hulftsdorf had today  (01)issued a court order to the conveners of Sinhala Jathika
Balamuluwa and Ravana Balakaya  venerable Madilla Pagnaloka and Iththakande Saddhathissa theros banning holding protests, rallies and meetings at Hulftsdorf Court complex premises from 01st of September untill 10 th of September .

According to the court order peaceful protests, rallies and meetings can be conducted without Harrasing public and damage properties .

This court order is applied to those scheduled to be participated the protests due to conduct by the Thero's mentioned above Hulftsdorf Chief Magistrate has stressed.

Court has issued this court order to prevent the protests ,rallies and meetings Some organization's are  planning to launch against hearing of cases filed against Former Defense Secretary Gotabaya RAJAPAKSHE. 

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