Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Around 80 Mothers Complained Against Dr.Safi Today Over Illegal Sterilisation -No Test Carried out Today As Well

Another 80 mothers had been  submitted complaints  today(29)against
Dr.Seigu Mohommad Siyabdeen Safi  a Senior Doctor attached to the Kurunagala Teaching hospital over illegal sterilisation bringing the total number of complaints received by the Kurunagala Teaching Hospital  over the issue to 200 .

However no test regarding the sterilization has been carried out so far by the hospital authorities as stated earlier.

Meanwhile around 11 mothers had been complained against Dr.safi to the Dambulla Base Hospital where he worked earlier.

Meanwhile trade unions of the Kurunagala Hospital had decided not to give evidence before the six member Investigation Board appointed by the Health MinistRy to probe on allegations levelled against Dr.Safi .

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