Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Around 23 TB Patients Amd 02 TB Deaths Are Being Reported Daily From Sri Lanka

Around 23 TB (Tuberculosis )patients and 02 TB deaths are being reported from the island daily  according to District TB Control.Officer Dr.A .Ramachandra .

Addressing a Media briefing held today (19)at Health Promotions Bureau in Colombo  on World TB Day Dr.Ramachandra has stressed that although Sri Lanka is targeting to eliminate TB From the country by the year 2025 still there are 4000 unidentified  TB patients  in.the country who are spreading the disease silently  in the society.

Around 8228 TB Patients had been reported from Sri Lanka last year with 5:3 male to female ratio rate and out of this number 40 percent had been reported in the Western province according to the latest statistics.25  percent out of this number had been reported from Colombo district it has been revealed.

TB Control officers had requested the public to seek medical treatment if someone has symptoms like a cough lasted more than two weeks,sudden loss of body weight and loss of appetite they have stressed.

There are 26 chest clinics located throughout the island performing  sputum tests to confirm the TB status and  providing TB treatment .

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