Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kokkadicholai OIC Has Been Remanded Over Accepting A Bribe

Batticaloa Magistrate A.C Rizwan has today (31)ordered to Remand
Kokkadocholai Police OIC Sisira Kumara until 08 th of February over accepting a Rs.25,000 as a bribe from a person .

The suspected OIC was arrested by the Bribery Commission officers yesterday  (30)whilst accepting The bribe at his office in Kokkadocholai Police and produced him better the court today.

Batticaloa Magistrate has also ordered the officials to produce the suspect before Colombo Fort Magistrate at  the next hearing of the case .

Kokkadicholai Police OIC Chief Inspector Sisira Kumara has been arrested by the Bribery Commission officials over accepting Rs.25,000 as a bribe for not taking a legal action against a person over transporting sand through a Tipper Truck illegally. Earlier the OIC has requested the Tipper Truck owner Rs.30,000 to avoid legal action against him and to release him. 

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