Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Foreign Minister Informed The Bond Commission That He Will Not Be Present For Questioning Today(26)

Image result for presidential commission on inquiryForeign Minister Ravi Karunanayake has informed the Bond Commission or the Presidential Commission of Inquiry  which inquiring the bond scam of the Central Bank through a lawyer that he will not be able to attend before the commission today (26) as requested due to a Security Council Meeting and will appear before the Commission  next Wednesday.
The Bond Commission has issued summons to the Foreign Minister Karunanayake to appear before the commission today(26) to answer the questions regarding the allegations leveled against him over getting a luxury house from the main suspect of Bond scam in Central Bank Arjun Aloysias who is the director of Perpetual Treasuries limited which involved in the scam . Aloysias paid the rent of the luxury house behalf of the Minister who was than the Minister of Finance it has been revealed during the investigations .
In a letter sent to the Bond Commission through his  lawyer  Minister Karunanayake has stated that he will be not available to appear before the Bond Commission until next Wednesday for questioning as he is due to attend the Parliamentary sessions  on tomorrow and the day after and due to tour Maldives on next Monday.

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