Monday, May 15, 2017

Gangodawila Magistrate Has Ordered The Prisons Commisssioner To Admit A Remanded Police Constable To Angoda Hospital

Image result for court order
The Gangodawila Magistrate has today(15) ordered the Prisons Commissioner to admit the imprisoned Police  Constable attached to the Mirihana Police who is in remand over firing a gun shot at the Elephant symbol at the headquarters of governing United National Party (UNP)"Sirikotha" ,Pitakotte on 01st of May to the ward number 21 of the Angoda National Mental Institute(Hospital)  for treatment .

The Magistrate has also ordered  to further remanded the suspected Police Constable until 29th of May after being produced before the court today.

The 40 year old Police Constable was charged over firing a gun shot at the Elephant Symbol of the UNP headquarters on  01st of May while in duty.

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