Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Health Ministry Has Ordered To Import Around 100,000 Cataract Lenses This Year For Cataract Surgeries In Government Hospitals

Ministry Of Health,Nutrition And Indigenous Medicine
has ordered to import around 100,000 cataract lenses required for Government Hospitals including Eye Hospital In Colombo this year  in view of preventing government hospital cataract patients purchasing lenses from private sector according to the Director General  Of Health Services Dr.Jayasundara Bandara.

The imported stock of cataract lenses due to arrive in Sri Lanka within next  three month Dr.Bandara has stated.."Till then Health Ministry has advised the Government Hospital authorities to purchase cataract lenses needs for cataract surgeries from outside and supply to the patients " he has stressed during a media briefing held in Health Education Bureau in Colombo yesterday (01).

However it has been reported that some eye surgeons in Eye Hospital,Colombo have  suspended cataract surgeries after the Health Ministry has ordered not to recommend patients to purchase cataract lenses from their own expenses .

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