Nine special police teams including Crimes Investigation Division (CID) officials have launched a joint search operation in Northern Province to arrest the members of a crime gang 'Ava" which is responsible for several crimes occurred in North recently it has been reported.
The "Ava" crime gang lead by their leader sanna spread their crime activities in areas of kopai,manipai,chunnakam and urban areas in Jaffna and recently the gang stabbed two police officers at chunnakam city center.
The Police Teams involved in the search operation are conducting a separate investigation on allegations made by some sections that some politicians in North,former tiger rebels and army are backing the crime gang the Police have stated.
The "Ava" crime gang lead by their leader sanna spread their crime activities in areas of kopai,manipai,chunnakam and urban areas in Jaffna and recently the gang stabbed two police officers at chunnakam city center.
The Police Teams involved in the search operation are conducting a separate investigation on allegations made by some sections that some politicians in North,former tiger rebels and army are backing the crime gang the Police have stated.
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