Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Company Changing Expiry Date Lables Of Phramaceutical Packages Was Raided

The Police with the assistance of Health Officials have today(05)raided a private company located in  Nawala Area where the expiry dates of Pharmaceutical Products are being  changed.during the raid officials have found 4814 boxes of Hydrosone Oinment  and 10,000 other empty boxes which changes made to the expiry dates.

The Private Company which was raided is situated at Kirimandala Mawatha,Nawala and known as imported drugs to Sri Lanka.when the Panadura-Walana Anti Vice Squad and Medical Supplies Division Officials raided the company two employees of the company
have been engaged in pasting expiry date changing labels in Pharmaceutical product packages sources said.

Police Investigations on the incident are on and legal action is due to be taken against three directors and two employees attach to the raided company police sources said.

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