Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oral Cancer Among Youth Is On Increae

Oral Cancer among Sri Lankan youth is on increase according to consultant attached to National Cancer Control Programme Dr.Hemantha Amarasinha.Chewing of betel leaves and are co nuts ,smoking and addiction  to liquor are identified as major risk factors that lead to oral cancer here.

Dr.Amarasinha has said that oral cancer is the number one cancer among sri lankan males while 6th  major cancer among females.even small children too are getting oral cancer he stressed.for an example a two and half year old child was became positive for oral cancer due to chewing of are co nut dr.amarasinha has said.

According to latest statistics available around 34 %  of Sri Lankan adult and youth population  addicted to chewing of betel leaves and majority are belongs to the age group of 35-44.

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