Friday, June 15, 2012

Exploding Of Rock At Colombo Harbor Have Caused Several Tremors In Colombo

The small scale tremors occurred in several parts of  Colombo District during last few weeks which shaken number of buildings and houses are due to the explosives exploded by Sri Lanka Ports Authority to blast a huge rock found when expanding the sea area of the authority it has been revealed.There was a belief among people earlier  that these tremors occurred as a part of earth tremors. Meanwhile the  huge rock was found last week  during expanding of port sea area is in 200 meters in depth of the sea sources said.

Since than the authorities under  supervision of geological survey and mines bureau  have carried out explosions to blast the rock by using heavy explosives .However it has been revealed that they have used an excessive amount of explosives more than required for these blasts and due to this   some powerful tremors were occurred in several buildings in Colombo.Yesterday (15th) morning too some tremors occurred in some buildings attached to Colombo Harbor which caused panic among workers there.As the authorities  have been not alarmed either harbor workers or residents near by on these explosions it created an unnecessary panic situation says some officials

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