Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sixty One Percent Of Country's HIV Positives Reported From Western Province-Health Minister

According to the Health Minister Maithrepala Sirisena 61 percent of the Country's HIV Positives are reported from the Western Province where 33 percent of the local population reside in.'This is something special as most of the HIV Postives  are reported from urban cities rather then from rural areas"The Minister has stressed.

According to the Helath Minister due to the good behavioral pattern prevails in rural areas with the cultural impact the rural areas still protective from the diseases like HIV/AIDS.

Minister made these remarks during the launching ceremony of the "Global Funds Finnancial Assistance to the National STS/AIDS Control Programme for HIV/AIDS Prevention work for a five year period Term' held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute in Colombo.Under this Programme the global fund donate US Dollers 12 million for the HIV Prevention work in Sri Lanka.

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