Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rs.21,71,303 Spent Daily To Remove Garbage From Colombo City

Rs.21,71,303 has spent daily by the Colombo Municipal Council to  remove garbage from City of Colombo The Minister of Provincial Councils MP Indika Bandaranaike has said  in Parliament today.According to the Minister daily around 700 tonnes of garbage are collected from the Colombo City and in some days garbage is collected two or three times.

Miniater Bandaranaike revealed these facts as a response to the question raised on collecting garbage in Colombo City by  Opposition MP Ravi Karunanayake.MP Karunanayake said that the government is giving false details on collecting garbage in the city and charged that the government is not having a proper policy to dispose garbage in the city.

However denying these charges Minister Bandaranaike has said that government is having a national policy in collecting garbage.

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