Sunday, October 25, 2009

Health Secretary Probe On The Drug Suppliers Supplied Contaminated Injection Vials

The Secretary to the Ministry Of Health Dr.Athula Kahanda Liyanage began an Inquiry against  Three Indian Pharmaceuticals Companies who were supplied the Glass Piece contained Injection Vials to the Sri Lankan Government Hospitals.During the probe If it proves that  the Glass Pieces entered to the Injection Vials during the Manufacturing Process the purchasing of Drugs from these Drug Supplying Companies will banned and Legal Action will taken against them according to the Health Ministry.

Three Injection Vials belongs to the "Cerofoxine",Hyrdrocortisone", and "Pethidine" were found by containing Pieces of Glass during last week and the Medical Supplies Division had taken steps to remove the Batches of these Vials from the Hospitals.

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