Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ninteen IDP'S Shot And Killed By The Rebels While Trying To Escape

Nineteen In Displaced Persons(IDP'S) who tried to Escape from Rebel Held Areas were Shot Dead and Another 75 people Got Injured By The LTTE Rebels This Morning at the Udayar kattu in the Puthukkudiyirippu Area According to Security Sources.They are A Part of Around 1000 Came to the Cleared Areas To Day and their Bodies were Brought by the Escapees.
So Far Around 30,000 People Returned from the Rebel Held Areas.Yesterday Alone 6000 People Returned According to the Sources.These People are Located in 10 Social Welfare Centers in Settikulam and the Vavuniya Districts and Sufficient Number of Medical Personal already Recruited to these Centers to Provide Medical Facilities to Them Health Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva Said At a Press Briefing Held To Day in the Health Ministry.It was Revealed that More Than 500 Pregnant Mothers are there Among the Returnees.

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