Friday, January 9, 2009

Opposition UNP Parlimentarians Hold A Protest In Parliment Against The Killing Of Sunday Leader Editor

Parliamentarians of The Main Opposition United National Party(UNP) To Day Entered to the Parliament by wearing Black Scarfs As a Protest of Killing Sunday Leader Editor Lasantha Wickramatunge.
Earlier They Hold a Protest Campaign In Front of the Parliment Against the Suppression of the Government Requesting an Inquiry on the Killing of Sunday Leader Editor.Opposition M.P's Shouted Anti Government Slogans During the Protest.UNP Earlier Told that they will Boycott the Parliamentary Sessions to Protest Against Not Providing them Enough Time to Prepare for the No Confidence Motion Debate Against the Government.Speaker W.J.M Lokubandara Last Wednesday Told the House that No Confidence Debate will Begin on Friday. In Todays Sessions Speaker Asked From the UNP whether they are going to begin the No Confidence Motion Debate But later Asked The House Leader to close the Sessions as They didn't respond.

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