Friday, January 29, 2021

5286 Health And Military Personal Had Received Oxford Vaccine Yesterday (29)

  A total of 5286 Health staff personal and Military personal had received the Oxford -AstraZeneca "Covishield " Anti Corona Vaccine doses  at Eight Hospitals and two Military Bases located in Western Province yesterday (29) during the first day of the  Programme on  vaccinating  250,000 Health staff and Military personal who are the front runners of the fight against corona in the country .

Chief Physician attached to IDH Hospital Dr Ananda Wijewikrana had received the first dose of the vaccine at IDH Hospital  and few Army personal at Army Hospital in Colombo had received the first dose behalf of Military forces in the country .

The vaccination programme is scheduled to be held in other parts of the country today along with  hospitals in Western province it has been reported. The second dose of the Vaccine scheduled to be given to the recipients in three weeks time .

859 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (29)

 A total of 859 Corona Positives had been reported yesterday (29)in the country raising the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 62,445 according to National Covid -19 Prevention Center. 

Accordingly these positives were contacts of previous Corona positives reported from Minuwangoda ,Paliyagoda and Prisons Corona clusters the Center has stated .58,489 Corona Positives had been reported from these Clusters so far Covid Prevention Center has stated .

Out of the Total number of Corona Positives reported yesterday ,Majority of them 313 were reported from Colombo district and 212 were reported from.Gampaha District .The highest number of Corona Positives reported from.a single area yesterday was from Gothatuwa area as 74 Corona positives had been reported from there .

At the moment 6742 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals and treatment centers .

Eight Corona Deaths Reported Yesterday (29)

 Another 08 Corona Deaths had been reported in the country  yesterday (29)raising the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 305 according to the National Covid -19 Prevention Center .

Accordingly four males and four females resided at kolonnawA ,Panadura ,Galle ,Moratuwa,Kalutara ,Seindamaridu in Samanthirai, ,Piiliyandala, and Ratnapura  had died due to the complications of Non communicable diseases suffered from due to Corona infection  

The deceased were of the ages 63,67,90,80,43,63 and 66 years .

Thursday, January 28, 2021

852 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (28)

 Another 852 Corona positives had been reported. Today  (28) increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 61,586 according to the National Covid -19 Prevention Center .

Accordingly all these Corona  positives reported today were contacts of previous Corona positives reported from Minuwangoda ,Psliyagoda and Prisons clusters the Center has stated although the Public Health Inspectors had stressed that many of these positives have no confirmed  source .

So far

57,360 Corona positives had been reported from above three clusters  it has been revealed .

At the moment 6854 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals and treatment centers. 

Seven Corona Deaths Had Been Reported Today (28)

 Seven Corona deaths had been reported today (28)in the country ,ncreasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 297 according to National Covid -19 Prevention Center .

Accordingly Five male and Two female

residents  at Colombo -06,Nittambuwa ,Rathnapura ,Colombo -13,Colombo -Prison ,Colombo -06 ,and Enderramulls areas had died due to the complications of Non communicable diseases they have suffered from.caused by Corona infection .

The deceased were of the ages 86,73,76,61,616 7 and 62 years. .

Crisp Loving Parrot Flies Again After Diet