Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sabama Awyaja Wu Mithrathwa Bandeemakata Seema Thahanchi Natha /Kal IkuthWeemak Ho Wenweemakda Nomatha ,Aththe Kumana Badhaka Paminiyada ,Nosalee Diviya Pura Ekwa Gaman Kireemak Pamani

Corona Pandamic -Bali Closed To Foreign Tourists Until End Of 2020

Sri Lankan Mobile Consumers To Be Granted A Number Portability Service

Telecommunications Regulatory
Commission  (TRC) of  Sri Lanka has introduced a special programme called "Number portability " which gives Mobile consumers a chance to change their mobile service provider  company without changing their existing mobile number and sim card  according to TRC .

Preliminary steps had been taken to implement this programme for the benefit of local mobile consumers the TRC has tweeted in it"s Twitter account .

Corona Death Rate In Sri Lanka Has Been Increased To 0.41 Percent

As a result of the 12 th Corona death
reported in Sri Lanka last Saturday (22) The Corona death rate has been increased to 0.41 percent from 0.38 percent according to Health Promotions Bureau.

The deceased  female who had arrived from India after receiving Cancer treatment for her Cancer has died whilst receiving treatment at Intensive Care Unit of the Infectious Diseases Hospital  (IDH) at Angoda.

Her cremation had taken a place on last Sunday evening at Kotikawatta General Cemetery with the participation of few of her relatives imcluding her husband.

The husband of the deceased who has also went to India with her is also under quarantine at a Hotel after his wife was tested positive for Corona virus. 

Thirty Five State Ministries Got New Secretaries

Government has  appointed new
Secretaries to 35 State Ministries yesterday  (24)

A Gazette Notification has been issued on this regard yesterday including the names of new Secretaries.  

Monday, August 24, 2020

Prison Officers Recovered 19 Mobile Phones Buried Inside Colombo Remand Prison

Prison officers have yeaterday
(24)recovered 19 mobile phones buried in front of a prison cell at Colombo Remand  prison .

These mobile phones had recovered infront of 'I" ward  allocated to Remand special category of criminals it had been revealed.

The recovered mobile phones were buried three months back when the criminal kosgoda Tharaka and his assistant Gagana were in the "I"ward  and Prison officials believes that they were involved in hiding these mobile phones.

Now the kosgoda ThaRaka is being located at Boossa prison . 

Hong Kong Reported First Case Of Corona Virus Reinfection