Thursday, March 26, 2020

Indian Police Strike Against Those Violating Lockdown Rules

India Gambling On Lockdown To Save Millions


Government Ordered To Shut Down All Free Trade Zones

Ministry Of Industrial Exports and Investment Promotions has today (26)ordered to shut down all free trade zones until further notice to facilitate  the free trade zone workers who are stranded due to the nation wide curfew to go home.

Minister prasanna Ranathunge has stated that  the free trade  zone workers will be transported to their home with the assistance of Sri  Lanka Army and Police after  undergoing. A health checkup .

The shut down of all free trade zones has been announced   after National Trade Center had sent a letter to Prime Minister  Mahinda Rajapakshe showing the doffocties faced by free trade zone workers due to the ongoing curfew .

There were complaints thst some shop owners of free trade zone had forced workers to work although government has announced a social distancing method to combat against Corona Virus .

Fears Over Rapid Spread Of Corona Virus In Southern Italy

Globally Corona Virus Cases Surpass Half A Million


Seventeen Died Due To The Adverse Weather In The Island

 Seventeen persons,have died and Around Twenty persons,were injured due to the adverse,weather prevailed in the island during last week as a...