Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Veteran Popular Yesteryear Hindi Cinema Actress Nimmi Has Been Passed Away

Her eyes had been rated as most beautiful decades ago and they were insured for Rs.100,000 those days  as a result according to cinema papers .

Virus Surges In US With 10,000 Cases In A Single Day

Indians Panic Buy Supplies Ahead Of Lockdown


President Directs Commercial Bank Heads To Open Bank Branches During Curfew Hours

President Gotabaya Rajapakshe has
today (25)instructed the heads of all Commercial banks in the country to open their branches during curfew hours for the benefit of trade activities and essential supplies.

Bank branches should be opened until 1 p.m in areas where the curfew is lifting president has advised.

Meanwhile according to the directions of President Government owned "Sathosa " (CWE)has began delivering essential food items to doorstep but only within 6 Kilo Meter area from the Sathosa Headquarters at Vaukshal Street ,Colombo in the initial stage.

However president has advised the authorities yesterday that this home delivery system of essentials should be implemented covering all residents  in Colombo ,Gampaha and Kalutara Districts daily where an indifinite curfew is being imposed. 

Global Corona Virus Deaths Pass 20,000