Friday, March 13, 2020

Trump Declares National Emergancy Over Corona Virus

Sri Lanka Fails To Impose Travel Ban For China ,USA ,Australia And Few Other Corona Virus Hit Countries

Although Sri Lanka had imposed a
travel ban for 11 Countries Over the spreading of Corona virus ,Still not been able to impose foreign travel ban on few corona virus hit countries where the cases are escalating including USA ,Japan, Singapore and Australia and also China according to experts.

United States has already declared a national Emergancy to combat against Corona virus. 


Corona Virus -All Pre Schools ,Universities And Teachers Training Collages Closed Down

All the pre schools , Universities and
Teachers Training Collages island wide  have been closed down with effect from today (14) to avoid spreading corona virus in the country according to the Government.

Accordingly All pre schools will be closed down until further notice and all universities and Teachers Training Collages  will be closed down from today  for a period of 14 days it has been announced.

Sri Lankan Had Imposed A Travel Ban For 11 Countries Including 09 European Countries Over Corona Virus

Civil Aviation Authority has yesterday
(13) imposed a traval. Ban for Passangers arriving from 11 countries including corona virus hit Italy ,Iran and South Korea for a period of 14 days as a meassure to prevent spreading of Corona virus here .

Accordingly Civil Aviation Authority has ordered all airline carriers to suspend bringing Passangers from Italy, Iran and South Korea with effect from today (14) and from France ,Spain ,Switzerland, Germany ,Netherlands, Austria, Denmark and Sweden from midnight tomorrow (15) until midnight of 29 th of March .

This foreign travel ban has been imposed for Passangers arriving from 11 countries under the instructions of Health authorities .

President Gotabaya Rajapakshe Has Ordered to suspend The issuing. Of Visas For European Nationals -Buses And Trains To Be Disinfected From Today

President Gotabaya Rajapakshe has
yesterday (13)ordered the authorities to suspend the issuance  of Visas for European  nationals for a  14 day period in view of preventing the spreading of Corona Virus here .

Sri  Lanka had recently  suspended the issuance of online visas for foreign  Nationals in this regard .

During a meeting held at Presidential Secretariet in Colombo Fort yesterday President Rajapakshe has directed the authorities to quarantine all Sri lankans arriving from European countries for 14 days as well.

Also during the meeting he had  instructed the transport authorities to disinfect all buses and Trains used  for public transport from today (14)to ensure they are not spreading the Corona virus .

President has also stated during the meeting that face masks should be supplied to Government and Private pharmacies for the use of public without any shortage. Government is considering to manufacture required amount of face masks locally and identified companies that can manufacture 150,000 face masks daily president has stressed.   

Corona Virus - How To Clean Your Smartphone Safely