Sunday, January 19, 2020

Foreign -Huge Hail Storms Cause Chaos In Australia

Three Bushfire Affected Koalas Receive Life Saving Surgery

Australia-Huge DUst Storms HIT Central New South Wales

CCD Recorded A Statement From High Court Judge Gihin Pilapitiya

Colombo Crimes Division  (CCD)had
today  (19)recorded a statement from Embilipitiya High Court Magistrate GI han Pilapitiya for more than three hours over his involvement
In telephone conversations with former state Minister Ranjan Ramanayake .

High Court Judge Polpitiya had appeared before Colombo Crimes Division this morning accordance to a request made by CCD .

Meanwhile CCD is due to record statements from retired High Court Judge padmini Ranawake and Interdicted Baddegama Magistrate Dammika HEmapala over involving in telephone Conversations with  state Minister . 

ව්‍යාජ ආදරය ,ව්‍යාජ මිතුදම් සමාජයේ ඔනෑ තරම් -එවැනි හරසුන් නොවටිනා සම්බන්දකම් රැසක් මැද අවංකව ,එඩිතරව ආදරය ලබා දෙන මිතුදමෙහි වෙලී සිටින මිතුරා කිසි දින නොරවටන්න ,නොරිදවන්න ,අත්නොහරින්න .හමුවන්න

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Severe Snowstorms Hit Parts Of Canada