Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Disaster Management Center Has Advised People Living In Lower Bank Areas Of Three Rivers To Be Vigilant

Image result for disaster management centreThe Disaster Management Center(DMC) has today(31) advised the people living  in lower bank areas of three rivers  to be vigilant as the water levels of those rivers are on the increase due to heavy showers prevailing in the country.

Accordingly people living in lower bank areas of Kalu,Gin and Nilwala Rivers are advised to be vigilant in coming days.

The water level of the Kalu River(Ganga) has currently reached to a minor flood situation the DMC has stated.



While Smoking Is Decreasing,Consumption Of Alcohol Among Sri Lankans Is On The Increase-Director General Of Health Services

While smoking is  decreasing from the society Consumption of  Alcohol among Sri Lankans is on the increase the Director General Of Health Services Dr,Palitha Mahipala has stated today(31)

According to Dr.Mahipala Consumption of  Alcohol among Sri Lankans  has been increased by  8% from 26% to 34% during last few years .Due to this situation non communicable diseases like heart diseases,cancers ,diabetes and high blood pressure are on the increase he has stressed.

The increasing number of Alcohol Consumers  in the local society will be a problem for the prevention  activities of non communicable diseases launched by the Health Ministry Dr.Mahipala has further added.

By addressing a Media Seminar on "Nutrition" held today(31) at Health Education Bureau in Colombo the Director General Of Health Services has stated that according World Health Organization(WHO) during the period 1901 to 2000 around 100 million people globally were killed due to the non communicable diseases related to smoking .

Nutrition Division Of Health Ministry To Promote A Healthy Food Plate Among Public To Avoid Spreading Non Communicable Diseases

Image result for healthy food plateTo avoid spreading of non communicable diseases like heart diseases,cancers and diabetes among Sri Lankans the nutrition division of the Ministry Of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine has planned to promote a Healthy Food Plate among the general public from this month(June).

Accordingly a quarter of the Healthy Food Plate should be filled with starchy (Carbohydrate) foods like rice,other cereal based foods like string hoppers,bread and rotti made from kurakkan,maize,ulundu,rice and wheat flour.

Another quarter of the plate should be filled with starchy vegetables like jak fruit and breadfruit,tubers and yams(potatoes,manioc and sweet potatoes) according to nutrition division of the ministry.

Out of the space remained in the plate two third should be filled with vegetables like brinjals,carrot,tomatoes,beet ,beens and green leaves like spinach and gotukola.The remained one third space in the plate will be filled with animal protein food items like fish ,meet,eggs,dried fish ,sprats and plant protein food items like pulses,chick pea,green gram,cowpea,soya been and dhal.

By consuming this Healthy Food Plate daily as regular meals people can prevent getting non communicable diseases and will gain a body with healthy weight and correct shape the consultant community physician attached to nutrition division of ministry of health Dr.Banuja Wijethilake  has revealed.

Due to consuming a meal plate without a variety most of the Sri Lankans are consuming foods containing starch and oil and as a result ended up by getting obesity and other non communicable diseases Dr.Banuja has stressed..