Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Foreign Employment Bureau Has Arrested Two Persons Who Fraudulently Taking Money From Persons To Get Them Employment In Malaysia

The Special Investigations Unit Of the Foreign Employment Bureau has arrested two persons who fraudulently taking money from foreign job seekers by promising them providing an  employment in Malaysia according to the Employment Bureau.

It has been reported that the two suspects had taken Rs.180,000 from a  person by promising them employment opportunities in Malaysia.

The Special Investigations Unit Of The Foreign Employment Bureau has also taken into custody 10 passports in possession of the two detained suspects.The suspects have a  a foreign Employment Agency in Habarana the investigations have revealed.

The two suspects are due to be produced before Kakirawa Magistrate Court.


Scheduled Power Cuts Will Be Suspended Today With The Recommencement Of Operations In Norochchalai Power Plant

The scheduled power cuts will be suspended today(17) with the recommencement of operations at the Norochchalai Coal Power Plant according to Minister Of Power and Renewable Energy Ranjith Siyambalapitiya.

The Operations of the Norochchalai Coal Power Plant which temporarily halted following the damage done to the major transformer at Biyagama receiving station due to an explosion on last Sunday will be recommenced today the Minister has stated.

Due to the damage done to major transformer at biyagama receiving station, a power failure has been occurred island wide last Sunday.

Prima Flour Company Has Decided To Reduce The Wheat Flour Price During The Consumer Week

The Prima Flour Company has decided to reduce a Kilo Gramme of Wheat Flour using for Bakery Products by Rs.7 during the consumer week which commenced on last Monday.

This Price reduction of  Prima Wheat Flour will be lasted until 20th of March the day Consumer Week is due to conclude. Prima Company has decided to reduce the above mentioned Wheat Flour price according to a request made by Sri Lanka Consumer Affairs  Authority .

Prima Company has also decided to reduce the bread prices during consumer week it has been reported


European Commission Has Signed Two New Support Programmes Worth 38 Million Euros With Sri Lanka

The European Commission has yesterday(16) signed two new support programmes regarding the fields of Rural Development and Trade worth 38 Million Euros with Sri Lanka according to the European Commission.

The two bi lateral agreements have been signed by the visiting European Commissioner for International Corporation And Development Neven Mimica along with Sri Lankan counterparts the Commission has stated.

The European Commissioner Mimica who arrived here on Tuesday held discussions with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera on removing the ban imposed on  GSP+ for Sri Lankan Apparel Industry  and fish export ban it has been reported.

The visiting European Commissioner is due to hold bilateral talks with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe before leaving the country today(17).