Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sri Lanka Granted It's Air Space For Search Operations On Missing Malaysian Flight

The Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry has today(18) granted overflight clearance to Malaysian authorities for using special search and rescue air crafts to  search on missing Malaysian Flight MH370 -Boeing 777 which has disappeared without a clue on 08th of March .the Malaysian authorities have earlier requested from local Foreign Ministry's permission  to use Sri Lankan Air Space for search operations on Missing Malaysian Flight carried out  by Air Crafts of Malaysia,Australia ,New Zealand and United States.

Responding to the request made by Malaysian Authorities a P-3 Orion  Anti Submarine Plane belongs to United States  has searched on missing flight in west of the Malaysian Peninsula to roughly Sri Lanka a distance of about 1000 linear miles .

Malaysian Authorities have speed up their search operations on the  missing flight in Indian Ocean and Countries located there after they have found a home made plane simulator created  by  Chief Pilot of the Missing flight Captain Zaharie Ahamad Shah which  had five runaways of Air Ports including Sri Lankan Air Port programmed into  it.

The MH370 Flight  was traveling Kuala Lampur to Beijing when it  disappeared last Saturday from civil radars near  Gulf Of Thailand

Monday, March 17, 2014

Every Month Around 6-18 Quality Failure Drugs Are Wthdrawn From Sri Lankan Hospitals

Every Month around 6 -18 drugs use in Government Hospitals in Sri Lanka  are   withdrawn from hospitals due to quality failure problems  while Countries like Australia withdraw around 6 quality failed  drugs every three years  Professor Senaka Bibile Memorial Organization has said.'this giving us an indication of the status of medicinal drugs imported to Sri Lanka by spending millions of rupees" the organization has stated.

According to the national convener of Professor Senaka Bibile Memorial Organization Dr.Jayantha Bandara around 80% to 90% of drugs imported here are from well known low quality drug manufacturing companies located in Asia .however even there are quality failure problems in imported drugs and a drug shortage almost every year the expenditure for importing drugs to Sri Lanka is on the
increase he has stressed.in 2010 around Rs.24.5 billion was allocated for importing drugs to the country and in the year 2012 that amount has  risen to Rs.47.5 billion Dr.Bandara has revealed.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

North Central Province Doctors To Launch A Token Strike Tomorrow

The government hospital doctors attached to government hospitals in   North Central Province are  to launch a token one day strike tomorrow(17) by demanding a disciplinary action against a public health inspector who has violated the establishment code.doctors attach to government hospitals in North Central Province are due to launch this strike from 8 a.m tomorrow(17) to 8 a.m on Tuesday(18) according to Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA).

The OPD Clinics,routine surgery and treatment performs in hospitals in the province will be affected as a result of this strike GMOA has said.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fraudulent Health Director Has Selected To Represent Sri Lanka In International Seminar

The National Drug Authority Director who is on transfer order and having dozens of fraudulent charges against him has selected by the Health Authorities to represent Sri Lanka on  an international seminar currently  underway  in France on Narcotics .although the sponsors of the seminar the World Health Organization(WHO) has requested the health ministry to select and send the best official who is involved in narcotic field in Sri Lanka the ministry officials have selected the drug authority director who is representing a totally different field  it has been revealed.

The said director has receiving  a daily allowance of US Dollars 350 for a week period  from the Health Ministry during his stay in  France in addition to the allowance received from WHO sources said.

While the selected director has already left France and attending the seminar at present the transfer order to assume his duties as the director of Family Health Bureau has sent and he is not in the country to accept  it sources have revealed.the Public Services Commission (PSC) too rejected the Health Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake's recommendation to appoint the said fraudulent officer for the vacant post of deputy director general of health services(laboratory services) due to his involvement in number of corrupt activities in the health field.

Number Of Toothless Elderly People In Sri Lanka Has Increased

The number of toothless elderly people in Sri Lanka are on the increase according to Dentists.the number of toothless people among the age group of over 60 years are on increase as they are not able to protect their teeth during their younger days it has been revealed.these people are not having a single teeth in their mouth due to bad food habits  dentists have stressed.

To have at least 20 teeth when reaching 60 years of age  young children should protect them since their childhood dentists said.the studies have revealed that the infants born to mothers with bad teeth prone to have bad teeth is five times higher than the infants born to mothers with good teeth.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Government Pharmacists Union Criticised The Way National Drug Policy Has Prepared

The Government Pharmacists Union has charged that Health Ministry has not getting Ideas and suggestions of their union during the preparing of new National Drug Policy Act.the pharmacists union has informed president Mahinda Rajapaksha that although health ministry has earlier promised them that their suggestions and ideas too included in the act procedure was not adapted to do so .

The newly prepared National Drug Policy Act which was presented to President Mahinda Rajapaksha by the health minister few days back has included some unnecessary suggestions made by some ministry officials based on their own personal agendas the pharmacists
union has stated.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Government Hospital Radiographers Have Suspended Their Work To Rule Campaign

The government hospital radiographers have today (12)temporarily suspended their island wide work to rule campaign launched since  last Tuesday(05) by demanding solutions for seven of their service demands the government radiographers union has announced.the trade union action was suspended due to internal matters occurred withing the profession the president of government radiographers union Mr.Darmakeerthi Apa has said.