Monday, June 17, 2013

Sri Lanka Reached Semi Finals Of ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Tournament

Sri Lankan National Cricket Team beet Australian team  today(17) and reached the Semi Finals of ICC Champions Trophy 2013  currently underway at England and a day night encounter  played at Oval Cricket Stadium in London Sri Lankans beet Australians by 20 runs after scored 253 runs for the loss of 8 wickets on their 50 overs  .in reply Australians were all out for 233 runs.

Mahela Jayawardena who top scored with 84 runs for Sri Lanka was adjudged as man of the match.Sri Lankans now play their semi final match with India on this Thursday at Cardiff Cricket Stadium in Wales while hosts England will play South Africa at Oval Cricket Stadium on Wednesday.The Finals due to play in Edgbaston,Birmingham.

Ten Essential Drugs And Surgicals Are Out Of Stock In Colombo National Hospital Nephrology Clinics

Around 10 essential drugs and surgical items are out of stock these days in Nephrology Clinics of Colombo National Hospital.due to this shortage doctors are prescribed  kidney patients to buy these drugs and surgical items from  private pharmacies from their own expenses.

Drugs like  Fluronazine,ISMN,Salbutamole ,Dumpiridon and surgical item Crape Bandage are among those out of stock items according to hospital sources.

Female Student Of Colombo University Is In Critical Condition After Jumped From Fifth Floor Of The University Building

A female university student of Colombo University who has jumped to the ground from fifth floor this morning has been admitted to Colombo National Hospital and in critical condition according to hospital sources .after underwent an emergency surgery she was now receiving treatment at Intensive Care Unit(ICU) sources added.

The injured student is a first year student attach to  Science Faculty of Colombo University and a resident of Lunugamwehera Area.the reason behind her action is not ascertain yet according to the Police.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Legal Cases Were Filed Against 2173 Houses And Institutes Maintaining Dengue Mosquito Breeding Places

The Public Health Inspectors have filed court cases against 2173 Houses  and Institutions island wide which were found maintaining Dengue Mosquito Breeding Places in their backyards during January to May this year and fined Rs.1,186,5000 according to Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors Association.another 9206 Houses and Institutes were issued notices during that period association has said.

A total number of 314,321 Houses and Institutes Island Wide were inspected by Public Health Inspectors during January to  May to search dengue mosquito breeding places.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Met Department Conitnuously Warned Fishermen Not To Go For Fishing These Days

The Meteorology Department has today(14) issued warnings to Fishermen in fifth day in a row this weekto refrain from going to seas in the areas of Mannar,off the coast from Colombo-Potuwil via Galle - Jaffna  to Trincomalee as strong winds ranging 60 kilo meters per hour up to 70 kilo meters per hour .

Around 54 fishermen were reported dead and many were missing since  last week after they went to seas during adverse weather conditions prevails in most parts of the island.

Army Commander Appointed As New Chief Of Defense Staff

The Army Commander Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya has been appointed as the new Chief Of Defense Staff by promoted him to the rank of General with effect from 01st of August this year the Defense Ministry has announced today(14).the present chief of defense staff Air Chief Marshal Roshan Gunathilake due to relinquish his position on the same day.

Meanwhile Major General Daya Ratnayake has appointed as new Army Commander with effect from 01st of August by promoted to the rank of lieutenant  general filling the vacancy created by General Jayasuriya it has been announced.

Density Of Dengue Mosquito Larvae Increases Six To Eight Folds In Most Parts Of The Country

The recently concluded research has shown that the Dengue Mosquito Larvae Density in most parts of the island are six to eight folds higher then the normal rate according to entomology assistant some areas the density of Dengue Mosquito Larvae is 30-40 in Brita u Index the index which measures the density of mosquito larvae it has been reported.

A dengue mosquito larvae density numbering 30 -40 are reported from some areas in Gampaha,Borella,Narahenpita,Batticloe,Kurunagala,Navalapitiya,Kandy and other few places according to entomology assistant officers .the normal density level of mosquito larvae  is 5 in that index and more then that is a sign of an epidemic officers said.

This is the first time after the year 2009 such a higher density of dengue mosquito larvae is reported from the island it has been revealed.