Thursday, April 11, 2013

GMOA Requested Government To Prepare Seperate Policy On Purchasing Expensive Drugs

Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) has requested government to prepare a separate national policy on purchasing expensive drugs/equipments for government hospitals as there are instances of severe shortage of expensive drugs in Cancer and other major hospitals in the country.

The main opposition too raised a question at Parliament recently regarding the shortage of 17 expensive drugs and injections  in Cancer Hospital as Cancer Patients are in serious condition due to the shortage of these drugs and injections."as we are having annual fixed budget allocating money for purchasing drugs it will be disadvantage for other patients if large sum of money from that budget spend for purchasing expensive drugs" the secretary of GMOA Dr.Chandika Epiatkaduwa has said.

Therefor GMOA has requested government to adapt a separate policy on purchasing an expensive drugs and the government has accepted it as a policy he stressed.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

X ray,Scan And MRI Tests In Govt.Hospitals Stopped Due To The Sick Not Campaign Of Radiographers

All X Ray ,Scan and MRI Tests performs in Government Hospitals stopped today(09) due to the island wide sick not campaign launched by government radiographers .thousands of patients  were underwent severe difficulties due to this trade union action of radiographers who are demanding solutions for two of their service demands .

As radiographers who were in sick note campaign not maintained the emergency services in hospitals   hospital authorities have sent all routine and critically ill patients to private hospitals to perform above tests under government expenses hospital sources said.

The Radiographers are due to end their sick note campaign tomorrow(10) morning.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Government Hospital Radiographers To Launch A Sick Note Campaign Tomorrow(09)

Radiographers attached to  government hospitals throughout the island  are to launch an island wide sick note campaign tomorrow(09) by demanding solutions for two of their service demands according to Government Radiography Technologists Association.the sick not campaign is due to start at 8 a.m tomorrow and will continue till 8 a.m on Wednesday(10) morning.

Due to this trade union action routine x ray tests,Scan and MRI Tests performs at government hospitals will not perform tomorrow the secretary of Radiography Technologists Association Mr.Daramakeerthi Apa has said.

Radiographers are demanding the halting of recruiting new comers for the diploma course on Radiography due to the Graduate Radiography Technologists and to increase extra allowances entitled for the radiography technologists.

Ministry Of Agriculture Has Banned The Importation Of Three Pesticides

The Ministry Of Agriculture has decided to ban the importation of three Pesticides currently use in Sri Lanka with immediate effect.the importation of   Pesticides ,Chlopyrifos,Propanil and Cabaryl are banned per the recommendations made by World Health Organization as these Pesticides are reported as contained high levels of Arsenic according to the Ministry sources.

Arsanic has found as the main reason for the unidenified chronic kidney failure affected  most of the farmers in North Cenral Province over the last few years.thousands of farmers already have died from this disease while a large number of other farmers critically ill due to the disease.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dengue Patients Are In Increase

During January to March this year around 8930 dengue patients have been reported from the island the epidemiology unit has said.out of this number 39.95% have been reported from western province.

Due to the rainy season prevails in most parts of the island these days spreading  of dengue is in increase and t epidemiologists have advised  people to take precautionary measures to combat dengue menace by cleaning house  gardens and destroying mosquito breeding places .

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sending Local Workers To Cyprus Suspended

The Ministry of Foreign Employment has decided to temporarily suspended sending workers to Cyprus due to the current economic crisis in that last few days objections have been raised by many quarters over sending workers to Cyprus and several parties argued that Sri Lankans work there will be stranded in that country.

Meanwhile the Ministry Of Foreign Employment has said that foreign  employment bureau will meet the demand of Sri Lankan workers there as the economic crisis there would not effect foreigners.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One Out Of Every Three Persons In South Asia Has Suffering From High Blood Pressure -Dr.Mehtha

One out of every three persons in South Asian Region including Sri Lanka has identified as suffering from High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)while around 9.4 million people in the region annually died due to the disease the resident representative of world health organization(WHO) to Sri Lanka Dr.Firdosi Rustom Mehtha has said.the main causes for the increasing number of hypertension patients in the region  is none  other than high consumption of salt and smoking he has stressed.

The diseases such as Heart Attacks and Strokes have been caused by hypertension it self Dr.Mehtha control the increasing number of hypertension among patients reducing the daily consumption of salt is very important and people should restricted the consumption of salt to  5 grammes (One teaspoon )per day he has added.

Dr.Mehtha has revealed these facts at a seminar held today(03) on World Health Day falls on 07th of April.