Government Hospital Doctors have decided to launch an Island Wide one day token strike tomorrow(25) demanding an immediate solutions for 3 of their service demands including an increasing salaries of all government employees including doctors with 1:12 ratio Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) has announced today(24)according to the association government hospital doctors are to launch an island wide token strike from 8 a.m tomorrow to 8 a.m following day(26).
However Doctors attached to Lady Ridgway Children's Hospital ,Cancer Hospital-Maharagama ,Castle Street Maternity Hospital,De Soyza Maternity Hospital and Sirimawo Bandaranike Memorial Children's Hospital ,Peradeniya are not participating the strike due to humanitarian reasons the GMOA media spokesman Dr.Navin De Soyza has said.during strike period doctors will avoid participating routine treatment and surgeries but will attend emergency services he has stressed.
GMOA is launching this strike by demanding to implement 1:12 ratio salary increase for all government employees including government doctors ,granting official transport facility to those doctors who are performing emergency services in government hospitals and paying doctors all allowances which are promised by health authorities .
Meanwhile during the strike all government hospital doctors will avoid of involving any private practice inside private hospitals Dr.Soyza has further added.
Meanwhile ministry of health today(24) has requested all government doctors to refrain from strike action as Treasury Secretary has agreed to hold discussions with GMOA tomorrow .however GMOA has said that the strike will go ahead despite the scheduled meeting with Treasury Secretary.