Friday, February 27, 2009

Removed HIB Vaccine Is To Be Back In March

HIB Pentavalant Vaccine which was withdrawn from the National Immunaization Campaign of Sri Lanka on Last May due to the Deaths of four Infants will Re Introduced to the Campaign from Mid of March this year as the Experts cleared charges against the Vaccine Epidemiologiy Unit Announced to day.

HIB which is prescribed to give Infants at the ages of Two, Four and Six Months is a Pentavalant ,compromised with Vaccines preventing Five Disseases(Tetunus,Diptheria,Whooping Cough,HIB and Hepatitis-B).Around 150,000 Vials of HIB Injections were removed from the Immunaization Campaign Clinics throughout the Island last year after Four Infants who received these Vaccines were died.Epidemiology Unit and the World Health Organization(WHO) Conducted an investigations on this and stated that there is no connection what so ever between these deaths and the Vaccine.

More Sri Lankan Wounded IDP'S Receiving Hospital Treatment

Up to now Around Two Thousand One Hundrad Eighty wounded Civilians who returned from the LTTE Held Area were received treatment from Three Hospitals in the Northern Sri Lanka Ministry Of Health in Colombo says to day.Around Two Hundred Sixty Eight Wounded Civilians admitted to the Trincomalee Hospital last wednesday and One Hundred to Mannar Hospital.Another Four Hundrad is due to admitted to Trincomalee Hospital Tomorrow.

Meanwhile Health Ministry says Thirty One Thousand Nine Hundrad Ninty In Displaced Persons(IDP'S) belongs to Nine Thousand Nine Hindrad Thirteen Families were returned to Government held reas from LTTE held areas from 22-01-2009 to 23-02-2009.

Remanded Sr Lankan Business Tycoon Transfered To The Hospital

Sri Lankan Business Tycoon Mr Lalith Kotalawala who was remanded yesterday on alleged Financial Freud is Transfered to the Prison Hospital in Welikala To Day and from there to the Merchants Ward of the Colombo National Hospital on Poor Health Grounds.

Mr.Kotalawala (70) was remanded till 11th of March for Mishandling of Rs.26 Billion worth deposits of the Public in the Golden Credit Card Company owned by him.One of the Directors of the Company too remanded with him and his wife Cecilia who is currently away from home too was Issued a warrant as She is also a Director of the Company.

Seeking Medical Treatment after getting an Imprisonment is a Common Thing among the VIP'S and VVIP'S here in Sri Lanka. Public will able to witness how these people who seems to be in good health while at work and even at the Courts when they are attending their cases suddenly getting ill soon after they received remand orders.But this facility is not available for the Common People.

A Record Price Reduction For Sri Lankan Gas

Sri Lankan Consumers received some kind of relief to day as the Government decided to Reduce the Prices of Gas Cylinders between Rs.310-334 with the effect from Mid Night to day.This is the highest Price Reduction of a Consumer Product reported here from some time.

According to the new price reduction The Price of a 12.5 Kilo Grammes Shell Gas Cylinder is reduced by Rs.310 and the new price will be Rs.1350 .Laugfs Gas Cylinder is reduced by Rs.334 and the new price is Rs.1069.The Price reduction of the Laugfs Gas will come to effect from Mid Night Tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Missing Sri Lankan Editor Is In Police Custody

A Confusion arises when the Editor In Chief of the Sri Lankan Tamil Paper reported as Missing this morning.Earlier it was reported that the missing Editor of the " Suder Oli 'N.Vidyadaran was abducted by an unidentified gang who came from a White Van and Police too confirmed it. But few hours later Police Issued a statement and state that he was arrested by the Police for questioning in Connection with the Last weak's LTTE Air Attack in Colombo.

Police Officers arrested him at Mount Lavinea Area in the Colombo Suburbs around 10 this morning while attending a funeral of the relative of the Chairman of his Company .

Meanwhile The Reporters Without Borders to day Condemned the arrest of SudarOli Editor and urged Government to Guarantee his safety.Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abewardana already assured the Reporters Without Borders through the Telephone that Mr.Vidyadaran is safe and he is held by the Colombo Crimes Division for Questioning .Crimes Division is questioning him regarding the two reports published in the 'SuderOli" Paper on 6th and 11th of February.

Sri Lankan Business Tycoon Remanded Over Rs.26 Billion Public Freud

Sri Lankan Business Tycoon Deshamanaya (Honorary State) Lalith Kotalawala and one of the Directors of his Golden Key Credit Company were Remanded till 11th of March by the Magistrate of Mount Lavinea this evening regarding the Public Finnancial freud Case he was involved in.Magistrate also Issued a Ultimatum to Settle Rs 26 Billion worth Deposits of the Golden Key Customers within 10 days.A Warrent for Mr.Kotalawala's wife Mrs.Cecilia Kotalawala who is also a member of the Golden Key Company's Director Board.

Mr Lalith Kotalawala the Owner of one of the Largest Business Companies in Sri Lanka the Ceylinco Group is charged for mishandling the Deposits of Public in the Golden Key Credit Company which he ownes.He even tried to Settle the Depositors Interests by selling his shares of the Bank he owned the Seylan Bank in last December however failed to do so as Central Bank of Sri Lanka Immediately intervened and taken the Bank under their Perview.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kelaniya University Closed Down Due To Student Clashes

A clashes between two rival Student Groups led to the closure of the Kelaniya University to day.Vice Chancellor of the University decided to closed down the university until further notice.
Police were called to the University Premises and they used Tear Gas to disperse the Student Protesters.One student injured during the clashes admitted to the Hospital.

This is the second time in last few weeks that the Student Clashes erupted between the rival Student Groups of the University.Last time Police arrested some student protesters including Lecturers and Female Students who were not involved in the clashes.