Monday, January 12, 2009

Lasanta Bids Farewell To The Nation

The Funeral of the Assassinated Sunday Leader Editor Lasanta Wickramatunge Taken Place at the Borella General Cemetery This Evening In Front Large Gathering.His Coffin was taken into the Cathedral At Narahenpita From His Residence in Battaramulla and To The Cemetery Afterwards.Journalists and Politicians were among the Large Gathering Attended to His funeral.Professional Journalists Association and Several Leftist Political Parties and NGO'S are Walking along with the Coffin Shouting Slogans Against the Lasantha's Killers.
Lasantha Wickramathunge was Assassinated by an Unidentified Gunmen At Rathmalana in the Colombo Suburbs Last Thursday Morning.Still No one Arrested Regarding this Killing.Meanwhile Members of the Sri Lankan Bar Association Hold a Protest Campaign This Morning Against the killing of Lasanta who himself was a Lawyer and Member of the Association.

Sri Lankan Air Force Jets Destroyed Prabhakaren's Secret Hide out

Sri Lankan Air Force Jets Attacked and Destroyed A Secret Hide out Of the LTTE Leader Valupillai Prabhakaran and Other Senior Leaders Located At Mulativue District This Evening.Pilots involved in this Attack Reported That this Attack was Successful According to the Air Force Officials.It was Reported that the LTTE Leader and other Senior LTTE Leaders are Meeting at this Place.No Casualties are Reported So Far.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sri Lankan Troops Captured Fourth Air Strip Of LTTE From Mulativue

Sri Lankan Troops belongs to the 59th Division have Captured the fourth LTTE Air Strip 2.5 kilo Meters by 100 Meters with Two hangers At five Kilo Meters West of Mulativue To Day.

Mount Lavinia Magistrate Ordered Dialog GSM To Relese Phone Numbers Made From Lasantha's Mobile

Mount Lavinia Magistrate Ordered the Dialog GSM Company to Immediately Release all the Phone Numbers Made from the Assassinated Editor Lasantha Wickramathunge's Moblie Phone in Past Few Days As Requested by the Mount Lavinia Police.Mount Lavinia Police Conducting Further Investigations on the Assassination.

UNP Urban Council Member Detained And Remanded In Connection With The Sirasa Attack

A United National Party Member of the Kotte Urban Council in Colombo District Taken into Custody Yesterday (09) and Remanded in Connection with Destroying the Sirasa T.V Main Control Room by Setting Fire to it .He was Arrested in Rajagiriya of the Colombo Suburbs with a White Vehicle believed to be Used for the Attack.Sirasa/MBC Network Main Control Room At Depanama ,Pannipitiya was Attacked Last Tuesday by an Unidentified Twenty member Gang By using Claymore Bombs and Setting Fire to it.Sirasa T.V Announced that A Reward of Rs.7.5 Million will be Awarded for Anyone who gives an Information on Suspects who are involved in this Attack.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Lasantha's Funeral On Monday

Funeral of the Assassinated "Sunday Leader" Editor Lasantha Wickramathunge will be Held This Monday At the General Cemetery in Borella,Colombo.Final Rites will Perform in a Church At Narahenpita Before The Burial.His Coffin was Taken to His News paper Office This Morning Before move into To His House at Battaramulla.Large number of people including journalists and politicians paid their last respect to the Late Editor.
Meanwhile Addressing a press briefing in Colombo The Secretary of the Main Opposition United National Party Said that His Party is Not Trust Any Inquiry Conducted by the Government Regarding the Lasantha's killing and therefore Requesting An International Inquiry on this.

Minister Fowzie And UNP MP Dayasiri Recieved Death Threats

Government Minister A.H.M Fowzie and Opposition United National Party Parliamentarian Dayasiri jayasekera Received Death Threats Through the Phone It has been Revealed Today(09).Minister fowzie already Lodged A Complaint to the Police on the Threats Received by him.