Surveillance conducted at the Borella Lady Ridgway Hospital revealed that the ninty percent of Bacteria Isolations are Ressisted to the Anti Biotic Drug Penicillin.Earlier known as the "Wonder Drug "Penicillin is now not an effective Drug as early days said Paediatrician Professor Sanath Lamabadusuriya.Therefore Lady Ridgway Hospital only uses the penicillin when there is an urgent situation Doctors of the hospital said.
According to the Surveillance some other High active Anti Biotics also emerging as bacterial ressistant.
How ever when contacted a Higher Official of the Ministry of Health said That still Government is importing the Drug Penicillin for the Government Hospitals as Doctors Prescribing it and upto now no complaints has been recieved by the Ministry questioning the effectiveness of the drug.Even other countries are still using the Penicillin he further stressed.