Thursday, September 25, 2008

Penicillin Proved To Be Bacteria Ressistant

Surveillance conducted at the Borella Lady Ridgway Hospital revealed that the ninty percent of Bacteria Isolations are Ressisted to the Anti Biotic Drug Penicillin.Earlier known as the "Wonder Drug "Penicillin is now not an effective Drug as early days said Paediatrician Professor Sanath Lamabadusuriya.Therefore Lady Ridgway Hospital only uses the penicillin when there is an urgent situation Doctors of the hospital said.

According to the Surveillance some other High active Anti Biotics also emerging as bacterial ressistant.

How ever when contacted a Higher Official of the Ministry of Health said That still Government is importing the Drug Penicillin for the Government Hospitals as Doctors Prescribing it and upto now no complaints has been recieved by the Ministry questioning the effectiveness of the drug.Even other countries are still using the Penicillin he further stressed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Deaths Due To Dog Bites Are On Increase

Twenty four deaths reported throughout the Island from January this year upto now due to Dog Bites Deputy Director General of the Health Services (Public Health)Dr.Sarath Mahipala said yesterday(24).Last year there were 28 deaths due to Dog Bites he said.Out of 2.5 million dog population in sri lanka Ninty Percent are Stray Dogs he stressed.

According to the official statistics around 2000 Dog Bites were reported throughout the island annually.470,000 Dogs were vaccinated against Rabies this year upto now and the World Health Organization is allocating Rs.91 million for vaccinating another 200,000 Dogs by next year he further added.Government spend around Rs.500 million for treating dog bitten wounds and only Rs.100 million allocated from the budget for the Anti Rabies Campaign activities for this year.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

GMOA On War Against the Health Minister

Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA)Fired Bullets Yesterday(22)against the Statement made by Health Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva saying that the Doctors attached to the Third World Countries including Sri Lanka who are not returning to their motherland after completing their Post Graduate Training in Developed Countries should Expel to their Countries."We are sending a Letter to the Cabinet Ministers and to the Leaders of the Opposition parties opposing to this irresponsible statement made by the health minister undermining our doctors during a Summit held in London last weak" says Dr.Upul Gunasekara the Assistant Secretary of the GMOA.This letter is due to send on this thursday(25) according to Dr.Gunasekara.
Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that the Doctors of the Third World Countries who are not returning to their motherland after completing their Post Graduate Training either expel to their respective countries or developed countries should repay the amount spent to producing these doctors for their home countries due to not getting the services of these doctors after training.Sri Lankan Government is spending Rs.2 Million For producing a Specialist Doctor according to the Health Minister.Minister made this remarks at a World Health Organization Summit held in London to Make an International Convention for such a move.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Leptospirosis Become An Epidemic

During the 20 day period From 31st of August to 19th of September 675 Leptospirosis patients reported throughout the Island and out from this 32 were died due to the illness Health Ministry Sources said yesterday(22).This is a rapid increase of the disease within a short period of time and With this number altogether 4500 leptospirosis patients were reported and 150 were died this year up to now the sources further revealed.Leptospirosis is a dissease caused by the bacteria contains in the urine of Rats,pigs an.When this urine flows into the canals,and paddy fields the people who are contacted this rat's urine through their skin will get the dissease Doctors said.

According to the Dr.Pradeep Kariyawasam around 18 leptospirosis patients were reported from the colombo city alone this year upto now citing doubts that not only Rats who are in these canals and paddy fields also in side the houses may also contributed to the increase of the leptospirosis.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sumith Abeysinha The New Secretary to the Treasury

President Mahinda Rajapaksha today (18) appointed Mr.Sumith Abeysinha as the new Secretary to the Treasury after the former Secretary Dr.P.B Jayasundara has resigned from his post yesterday(17).

Sixty Nine Killos of Prepared Old Curries and Noodles destroyed in the Colombo University Canteen

Chief Food Inspector of the Colombo Municipal Council Mr.Piyadasa Edirisinha yesterday (16) Destroyed 69 killos of Pre Cooked Curries,Noodles and Rotten Fruits at the Canteen belongs to the Colombo University's Art Faculty.These curries and noodles that were destroyed said to be stored inside the Deep Freezer of the canteen from more then a month and they were heat and given to the Faculty students to eat.
The Public Health Department of the Colombo Municipal Council is decided to take legal action against the Canteen owner of the Arts Faculty in this regard.The Curries that were destroyed including four killos of Spinach,five killos of cabbages, five killos of ash plantains, five killos of different kind of yam,three killos of nokole five killos of coconut sambol,one killo of tomatoes one killo of beetroot.five killos of noodles five killos of Rotten and Raw Tomatoes five killos of plantains and Twenty killos of Rotten papaya also destroyed.The samples of Cooked Rice taken from the Arts Faculty Canteen and the Canteens of the Science and Management Faculties handover to the Laboratory for tests Mr Edirisinha who is conducting investigations in this matter revealed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Health Minister Forward a Cabinet Paper To Build A National Speech and Hearing Center

Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva put forward a cabinet paper regarding the construction of National Speech and Hearing Center at Narahanpita with the courtasy from Telecom Malaysia.Telecom Malaysia will be spending Rs.1000 million for the building of above center which will be catering sri lankans who are suffering Speech and hearing problems free of charge and also providing treetment and surgical facilities.

Cabinet sent the cabinet paper forwarded by the health minister to the treasury to observing the cost of this project and after return it cabinet will approve the paper Health Ministry official said.Telecom Malaysia is expected to build this Speech and Hearing Center within 18 months and due to handover it to the Ministry Of Health.