බොහෝ දෙනා සමාජයට ආදර්ශමත් යැයි සමාජය ගොනාට අන්දවමින් ආදර්ශමත් නොවන ජීවිත ගත කරද්දී ,තම ආදරනීයයන් වෙනුවෙන් කැපවීම් නොකරදිදි සැබැවින්ම තම ආදරය වෙනුවෙන් කැපවීම් කරමින් ආදර්ශමත් වන්නන් නිහඩ වුවද බොහෝ දෙනාගේ ගෞරවයට පාත්රවේ.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)
A student of the President's Primary Collage at Wijerama road,Maharagama was njured and hospitalized after an insecure high wall belongs to a house of a popular local singer nearby collapsed over him whilst at the school yesterday (17).
The wall around 15 feet high and 40 feet long belongs to the house of the popular local singer Priya suriyasens had collapsed on the student whilst he was in the school toilet it has been reported.The injured student had been admitted to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital and his condition is stable according to the reports.Due to the wall collapse the toilets of the students and the teachers of the school had bern damaged it has been reported.
The old wall of the singer was seen as a danger since sometime and the school authorities had informed the singet over this according to reports.However the singer had failed to take any action on this it has been reported.The authorities still have not taken any action against the singer over the wall collapse it has been reported.
Singer and Politician Madumadhawa Aravinda was arresred by the Kadawatha Police last evening (16) over damaging the public property of the highway express from Matara at the Kadawathaexit by driving his vehicle under the influence of liquor.
The Singer was heavily drunk at the time of his arrest and he had damsged around 10 barriers of the highway according to the Police
Authorities in Wayamba University had closed down the faculty of Livestock,Fisheries and Nutrition of the University in Makandura for a week period due to a fever and Diarrhea spreading among the faculty students.
Authorities are conducting online classes
The National Building Research Organization (NBRO) had extended the landslide warnings issued for many areas in 10 districts due to the heavy showers experiencing in the island .
Accordingly the NBRO had extended the