Sunday, August 13, 2023

SIX Died After A Migrent Boat Sinks In A Channel 



කුමන අවස්ථාවකදී හෝ සිය ආදරය /විශ්වාසය /බැදීම පළුදු නොකරන අයෙකු සිය විශ්වාසවන්තම ආදරය කරගන්නා බැදීම්  අතිශයින්  සුන්දරය, කල්පවතිනසුළුය.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)

නපුරු සුනඛයන් මෙන් බුරන /සපා කන නිවට /පහත් මිනිසුන් බොහෝ දෙනෙකු සිටිනුයේ ඔබගේ නැදෑ හිතවතුන් අතරේමය .ඔවුන්ව ඔබට මෙම ආත්මයේ මුණ ගැසී ඇත්තේ පෙර අකුසළයන්හි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස විය හැකිය (උපුටා ගැනිනි)

(මෙම වදන දුටු විට සිහිවනුයේ නැව ගිළුනත් බෑන්චුන් යන සන්කල්පයෙන් ක්‍රියා කරන මෝඩ මිනිසුන්ය) 

Four Persons Were Injured And Hospitalized Due To Jeep-Bowser Collision

 Four persons were critically injured and hospitalized after the Jeep they were travelling in colliding with a Fuel bowser at Hatton-Nuwaea-Eliya road last night(12) according to the Police.

The injured were admitted to the Dikoya Base  Hospital for treatment .The injured were residents of Norwood area and of the ages 20-30 years it has been revealed.The driver of the Jeep who was also injured and hospitalized was under the influence of liquor at the time of the incident the Police have stated.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Government To Relax The Ban Imposed On Importing Public Transport Vehicles

 Government is planning to relax the ban imposed over importing  vehicles use for public transport and to transport goods probably during this week according to the State Minister of Finance Ranjith Siyambalapitiya.

Government had banned the importing of all vehicles to the country last year due to the economic crisis .The Gazette notification regarding the lifting of the ban imposed on importing vehicles use for public transport and  transporting  goods including buses,lorries and trucks is likely to be  issued within next few days the Minister has stated.

However importing other vehicles will be further delayed due to the existing foreign reserve shortage.

Stocks Of Imported Wheet Flour Are Being Decreased -Local Importers

 As the importing of Wheet flour to Sri lanka had been  banned by the Import and Export Control Department with effect from 16th of July ,the stocks of Wheet flour remained with Flour importers in Colombo Pettah are being decreased according to the flour Importers .Now the Wheet flour importers in pettah have  stocks sufficient only for few days it has been reported.

Government had banned the importing of

Wheet flour to Sri lanka with the aim of allowing the two main local  Wheet flour import companies to keep their monopoly in the market  the Wheet flour importers had accused.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Hawai Fires Deadliest Fires In It"s History 



තම පුද්ගලික වාසිය තකා ඔබව ඇසුරු කරන ,ගැටළු ඇති කර ඒවා රස විදින නෑදෑ හිතවතුන් බහුතරය හමුවේ ජීවිතයේ වැඩි ඉඩක් ලබා දිය යුත්තේ ඔබගේ ගැටළුව තමන්ගේ කරගෙන එය විසදීමට උත්සාහ දරණ ඔබට  ඉදිරියට යාමට අවශ්‍ය ශක්තිය ලබා දෙන ආදරණීයයාටය.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)