Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Seventeen Maning Market Traders Arrested Over A Protest Released On Bail

 Colombo Additional Magistrate  had yesterday (26)released 17 traders including the president of the Maning Market Traders union who were  arrested  over holding a protest Campaign in front of the Paliyagoda Maning town market by viloating  a court order .The traders were released on a,surety bail of Rs.100,000 each.

Earlier A court order was issued against holding prorests in front of the Maning market in paliyagoda ,However Traders of the market had  violated the court order and  launched a Protest in front of the Market after closing all trade stalls over  a problem arisen when allocating  trade stalls,for traders.That protest  caused enormous,difficulties for pedestrians in the area it has been reported.Paliyagoda Policw had arrested the suspects and produced before the court .

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Brussels Bombers,Found Guilty After A Long Murder Trial. 



තමන්ට ඇති මොහොතේදි සමීප වන අවස්ථාවාදී නැදෑයන්/හිතවතුන් දහසක් දෙනා ඉදිරියේ රැකගත යුත්තේ ඇති මොහොතේ මෙන්ම නැති මොහොතේද තමන්ට එකසේ සෙනෙහස දක්වන,ආදරනීයයාගේ බැදීමයි(උපුටා ගැනිමකි) 

An Inquiry Is Being Held On Low Quality Drug Usage-Government Auditor

 An inquiry is currently being held to find out whether the low quality and unregistered drugs are in use in Government hospitals as complained by several factions according  to the Government Auditor General W.P.S Wikramaratne. 

Accordingly this inquiry  is in the last stage and  the report of it will be handed over to the authorities soon the Auditor General had stated.This inquiry is being held covering all Gocernment Hospitals in the island he had stated.

Maximum Retail Price Of An Egg Had Been Removed

 The Ministry Of Trade had withdrawn   the two Gazette Notifications issued earlier regarding the Maximun Retail price of an Egg with effect from midnight last night (25) according to the Ministry .

Two new Gazette notifications were issued last night replacing the previous notifcations issued regarding selling of an Egg each and A Kilo Of Eggs the Ministry had stated.Due to the Maximum retail price Gazette notification a shortage of Eggs occcured in the local market since a few months  .

Government had earlier fixed a maximum retail price for Brown egg and white egg as Rs.46 and Rs.44 respectively .Meanwhile Government had taken steps to issue stocks of  eggs imported from India to all supermarket and Sathosa chains with effect from yesterday  from Rs.35 each.Earlier these eggs were issued only for hotelliers and bakers.

A Nine Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In Gampaha District Today(26)

 A Nine and half hour long water cut is scheduled to be implemented  today (26)in seven areas of Gampaha District (Western Province )from 8.30 a.m to 6 p.m ) according  to the National Water supply and drainage board.

Accordingly  this water cut will be implemented  in seven areas of Gampaha district including Wathpitiwala ,Maimbula,Ranpokunugama Housing scheme and Attanagalla areas due to an urgent repair work of a pipeline the Water Board had announced.