One of the most popular Veteran Musicians and Singers produced by Sri Lanka Sangeetha Nipun Professor /Visharada,Sanath Nandasiri had passed away this morning (28) at the age of 81 .
Peofessor Nandasiri who had served as the chancellor of the University of Aesthetic Studies in Colombo.was one of the pioneer musicians Produced by Sri Lanka and sung many melodious songs during his six decade long career including Samugannedo,Mamanam asai ahanna nayana,Wasana wewa,Dangakara oya,dasa ,Mululowa magen asawi,Du Anuradha,Yashodara,Mage ratata,dalada himi saranai,Awilunu ginidal and Sovin piri mage hadawatha songs .
His funeral is due to take place at Borella cemetary on this saturday evening (01).
May he attain supreme bliss of nibbana.