Friday, October 28, 2022

Weekend Power Cuts To Be Reduced To One Hour

 The Public Utilities Commission (PUS) had yesterday (28) given permission to implement a one hour long power cut during the weekend and two hour long power cut on  next Monday (31) in the 20 zones of the island A to W .

 Accordingly the one hour power cut during the weekend will be implemented during 5.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m and the two hour long power cut scheduled for next Monday  will be implemented one hour during the day time  and one hour in the night   .

Elon Musk completes $44bn Twitter takeover 



 අවංක ආදරයක් /මිත්‍රත්වයක්  යනු තමන්ට සමීප සැමගෙන්ම නොලැබෙන බොහෝ විට ලේ ඥාතීන් තුළ පවා කලාතුරකින් දක්නට ලැබෙන අපුරු හැඟීමකි (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )

 May be an image of 2 people and text

Former MP /Actor Ranjan Ramanayke Was Prevented Travelling Abroad

 Due to the foreign travel ban imposed on him over two cases pending in Court ,Former MP and Actor Ranjan Ramanayke was turned away by the Immigration and Emigration officials at the Katunayake ,Bandaranaike International Airport when he arrived at the Airport to fly to Unites states for a concert last night (27).

The Actor turned politician Ramanayake was due  to flying  to Qatar last night from the Qatar Airways flight and from there to United states .Immigration and Emigration officials had prevented him from  traveling  oversees due to the foreign travel ban it has been reported.

A Person Was Killed And His Son Was Hospitalized Due To A Motorcycle-Train Collision

 A Person was killed and his 08 year old son had been critically injured and hospitalized after the Motorcycle they were traveling in  colliding with a Train traveling to Beliatta area (Southern Province) at the Railway crossing in Dharmarama ,Uyanwatte ,Matara District last morning (27).

The 50 year old  deceased has died in the spot and his 08 year old son had been transferred from Matara Hospital to Karapitiya Teaching Hospital for further treatment ,The deceased was a resident of Weragampita in Matrara district ,

A 12 Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In 07 Colombo Divisions

 Due to the essential renovation work of the Colombo Sewage  management programme water supply to seven divisions in the Colombo District will be halted for 12 hours from 10 p.m tonight (28) until 10 a.m tomorrow morning (29) according to the National Water supplies and drainage board.

Accordingly the 12 hour water cut will be implemented in Colombo -02,03,04,05,07,08 and 10 divisions the Board has announced .

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Stealing Of Motorcycles And Three Whealers are On The Increase

 Stealing of  Motor cycles and Three w healers in the country  is  on the increase at present according to the Police media spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police(SSP), Nihal Thalduwa.

Accordingly 1406 Vehicles including Motorcycles ,Three whealers ,Buses ,Lorries and Motor cars had stolen during the period this  january up to now he has stressed .

Out of these vehicles which were stolen 1016 were Motorcycles and 311 were Three Wheeler s  it has been revealed